Ch.11-The interview

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(Richard King and what she wears to the interview)

Angie's p.o.v

To say I was nervous was an understatement. Today was the day of the big interview where I'd go head to head with countless other women that are no doubt way more qualified then me. Sweet pea assured me that I'd be fine, but I wasn't so sure. I was checking and rechecking my appearance in the mirror wondering if I should try to hide my bump, and couldn't help the waves of nausea that continued to roll through me.

"You're strong, beautiful, and confident babygirl. You got this job in the bag." I looked at Sweet pea who was leaned against my doorframe gazing at me.

"I don't feel like any of those things. This is a bad idea. There's no way I get this job." I began pacing back and forth, the clicks of my heels sounding almost rhythmic.

"Come here." He had moved to where I was previously in front of the mirror and beckoned me towards him. I slowly walked over and stood by him. He captured me in his arms, and hugged me from behind so I was looking in the mirror with him. "You and I are looking in the same mirror. I see the exact same reflection that you do, the difference is we aren't seeing the same person. You see someone unqualified, pregnant, and in an impossible game of cat and mouse. I see someone who fights for what they believe in, never takes a short cut, and is one of the most genuine people I've ever met. You got this babygirl. You're the woman that I fell in love with twice! If that doesn't say something..."

"You really think I can do it?"

"I know you can." I smiled at him through the mirror and turned to kiss him.

His hands immediately found my stomach as he rubbed circles on it. He slowly pushed me backwards until I felt the wall hit my back, his hands stooping lower. Sweet pea had a way of making me forget everything. His hands knew my body as if it were his own, he knew exactly what buttons to push when to bring me into a state of ecstasy.

My mind was far away from the interview now. It actually wasn't out of this room, only a few steps to the left where my nice comfy bed sat. His mind seemed to be in the same place as his hands yet again stooped lower so that they were now toying with the hem of my dress. My breath hitched in my throat.

"I don't think you're going to get to the interview that way." Sweet pea ceased his movement and rested his head on mine, both of us panting.

"I was gonna get somewhere though, until you ruined it." Sara just gave me a sly smirk before dangling the keys out in front of her.

"Maybe later Chi-chi, but right now you have places to be." I caught the keys as she threw them towards me and straightened myself out.

"That nickname doesn't really fit anymore." She shrugged.

"I don't really care. You'll always be my Chi-chi." I laughed before giving Sweets one last peck on the lips and walking out the door.


Three hours. I'd been sitting in this uncomfortable chair for three hours and I still had people in front of me waiting for their interview. I'd heard rumors that Richard King himself was here doing the interviews, but had a feeling that was all talk.

At least twenty women had gone already, and I was getting anxious. Many of these girls looked a lot more businessy than I did. Their hair tucked in tight buns, bodies clad in expensive pantsuits. I rubbed my stomach, it had become a nervous habit recently, and waited for my name to be called.

Another hour and finally...

"Akira Costner?" I blushed slightly at the use of Sweet pea's last name. I was going to use Connors again, but he told me to use his instead. I quickly stood and smoothed my outfit, ignoring the raised eyebrows that were sent my way. Yep, I was definitely not qualified for this.

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