Ch.21-Fatal error

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Angie's p.o.v

I woke up bright and early the next morning to get ready for whoever was coming to get Alissa. My sweet girl was snuggled tightly in her daddy's arms, and my heart melted ever so slightly at the sight. With a big yawn I walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Pea and I had stayed up talking for a while last night after we'd gotten into bed, so I was exhausted.

I had just finished showering and getting dressed, feeling much more awake now, and began to make breakfast for Sweets and I. I grabbed the eggs out of the fridge, and stuck some bread in the toaster. When I went to grab a pan to cook the eggs in, I noticed a box sitting on the counter. My heart clenched as I noticed what the box was.

I had never actually seen the ring, only the container it was in. I bit my lip and hesitantly began to reach for it. My trembling hands clasped the small package, and before I could think better of it I flipped the top open to reveal the gorgeous ring.(A/N- Ch.17 has the picture of you want to go back and look)

I couldn't tear my eyes away from it, my hand moved of its own accord, grabbing the ring and slipping it onto my finger. I was so enamored with the way that it looked twinkling in the light while it sat on my finger that I didn't hear Sweet pea walk into the kitchenette.

"It looks even better on you then I thought it would." I turned quickly to see him standing with our daughter cradled in one arm while he leaned against the wall. His face held a small smile, and he started walking towards me.

"I-I didn't hear you come in. Sorry." I quickly took the ring off of my finger and was about to put it back in the box when his hand caught mine. I looked up to see his eyes fixed on the ring. He sighed and brought my hand to his lips where he kissed the finger that had just held the ring on it before slowly letting it go.

"When are the foster workers supposed to be here?" He took a noticeable step away from me as he spoke which made my heart ache.

"They're supposed to be here around eleven I think." I quickly took the ring off and got back to making breakfast, only pausing for a moment to make Alissa a bottle. I watched from the corner of my eye as Sweets made sure he burped her periodically, and that she wasn't drinking too fast. "You picked up this whole dad thing quicker than I thought you would."

"I may or may not have read some stuff about what to do." I light blush covered his cheeks, but I could only smile at how much of an amazing father he was.

"Well it payed off. You're a great dad, Pea. Alissa's lucky to have you." He grinned at me, his blush turning a slightly darker shade of red at my words.

The rest of the morning flew by much to our chagrin, and faster than we would've liked there was a knock on our door. I handed Alissa to Sweets before walking to answer it, only to find my adopted mother looking at me in confusion.

"Akira? What are you doing here? Where have you been? I haven't seen you in months!" She almost sounded concerned for me, but I knew better than to believe that.

"I could ask you the same question Sierra. Sweet pea is..." I glanced back at Sweets trying to decide what I should call him. "He's my boyfriend, for lack of a better term, of course I'm here. And I told you that I would be in Greendale for the most part now after summer. Remember? You asked if I was going back to Riverdale high and I told you no... ringing any bells?"

"Somewhat. Anyway, that doesn't matter. I must've gotten the wrong address, because I'm supposed to be picking up a newborn foster child." My eyes widened at her statement, and I'm sure I resembled a fish with the way my mouth was opening and closing.

"Y-you're Alissa's foster mom?" She raised an eyebrow at me before shaking her head.

"No, I'm just picking her up. How do you know her?" I debated the wisdom of telling the truth and decided that as much as possible I was done with the lies. I beckoned Sweet pea forward, and he gave me an apprehensive look before slowly moving towards me.

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