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Angie's p.o.v

"Who was that?" Sweet's worried voice sounded from behind me.

"Who do you think?" He slumped with a sigh, running a hand across his face. "Sara I need to know everything you do."

"I don't know anything Angie, Dmitri made damn sure he kept me in the dark."

"Of course he did, so we're basically taking a wild guess as to who we can trust?" She tentatively nodded her head, waiting for my reaction. "Ain't that just peachy."

The car fell into a heavy silence as we all contemplated our next move. Without thinking too much about it I started driving out of town.

"Where are you going?" Sara sounded a little nervous about my answer.

"Honestly? I don't have a clue. If you have any ideas I'm all ears." I was ringing the wheel with my hands to try to relieve some of the stress.

"Why not the trailer?"

"Because that's the first place he'll look Pea."

"You don't have to be short with me, it was just a suggestion."

"I'm not being short with you Sweet pea, I'm just stating facts because we can't afford any nonsense right now." I could practically hear him getting angrier.

"I wasn't trying to be nonsensical, you asked for suggestions and I gave you one, don't be a bitch!"

"Excuse me!? I'm being a bitch? Really!? If I'm being a bitch you're being a major dick. I'm under a ton of stress right now if you haven't noticed, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't add onto it!" My neck muscles were straining against my skin they were so tense.

"You think you're the only one under stress?! Get your head out of your fucking ass and you'd realize you aren't the only person in the world! Not everything revolves around you sweetheart, it's high time you realized that!" My teeth clenched at his words.

"You're right, not everything revolves around me, but when it's my father who's after my head I think it's more my problem than yours, meaning I'm under a hell of a lot more stress than you!"

"That's exactly your problem Angie! You think that you have to do everything by yourself! Do you realize that we might still have our daughter if you hadn't run away? Or if you'd brought me with you? Do you realize if you hadn't gone Mano y Mano against the world we might not be in this situation?" His voice had gone softer, but it was still laced with aggravation.

"So... what? This is my fault? All of it?" He was right, it was all my fault. If I'd never shot Dmitri's brother we wouldn't be in this mess.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that if you started trusting us with your issues before they reached critical, we could help you. You're not alone sweetheart." He placed a hand gently on my shoulder. "You remember how frustrated you were with Michaela for not telling you about what was bothering her, and by the time she did it was too late? You're doing the same thing to us babygirl, we just want to help."

"After everything I've done?" My answer didn't come from Sweet pea, but instead Sara.

"Of course Angie. You're more loved than you realize." I gave her a small smile before taking a deep breath to refocus.

"Alright, is there anyone that you're sure is on our side?" Sara thought for a moment.

"Bronwyn, Rosie, and Ava." That's not a big number.

"I'm sure you have the Serpents in your corner." That helped. Their numbers were dwindling sure, but even their small number would help.

"You know, I'm not even sure what's going to happen. Is this some sort of war? Are we gonna play rock, paper, scissors to see who gets the gang? Do I need to build an army? I don't know what the hell to do!" I was so done with this. I wanted it to be over, I wanted my baby back.

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