Ch.15-Five weeks later

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Sweet pea's p.o.v

"You know, you're organs probably hate you right now." I made my shot, took another sip of my beer and glanced at Fangs who had his gorgeous girlfriend, Kendra, draped across his lap.

"Yeah, well, I don't give a shit. They can hate me all they want." I turned back to my game of pool and tuned out the rest of the world.

It had been about five weeks since Angie had left. I didn't read her note, I couldn't bring myself to do it. It sat in my back pocket waiting to be opened, but that probably wasn't gonna happen anytime soon. I'd drunk at least my weight in alcohol every week, and made sure that I was never without a slight buzz. It knocked off the worst of the pain that's all that mattered.

I finished my game and threw the pool stick on the table. The closer I got to the bar the bigger the bartender's grimace became.

"I'll have another." I shook my bottle and placed it on the counter to ensure he understood me since I was never without a slight slur lately either.

"Look mate, don't you think you've had enough? You can barely stand." I sighed and looked at the ground as if I was contemplating his words before shaking my head and smiling at him. My smile dropped and I grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt.

"No, 'mate', I don't think I have. So if you would do your fucking job that'd be great. 'Kay pumpkin?" The bartender nodded swiftly and went to grab my drink.

"Sweet pea!" I turned to see Fangs walking towards me. "What the hell was that?"

"You're asking me? The guy wasn't doing his damn job, I was just reminding him that the customer is always right." I gave Fangs a sarcastic smile before grabbing the drink that was slid towards me. "Perfect. See? Just like that, everyone's happy."

Fangs opened his mouth to say something, but I just walked past him being sure to bump his shoulder on my way out. My beer was finished by the time I reached my bike. I was struggling to mount it when a voice came from behind me. It can't be...

"You shouldn't be driving. You know that. So why are you doing it?" I didn't turn around because I knew as soon as I did she'd be gone and I couldn't bare loosing her again.

"It's the only way I can get home. Though it doesn't feel like home without you two there. It's just a trailer now." Her cute little giggle graced my ears and I smiled for the first time in weeks.

"That's sweet Pea, see what I did there?" She laughed again and I couldn't help but join. She was always so cheesy. "That's not the point though. I'm sure Fangs would gladly take you home."

"Yeah..." I swear I could feel her right behind me. I know I could feel her hand gently rest on my shoulder.

I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling, but I guess my eyes never opened back up.


Fang's p.o.v

I was seriously worried about Sweet pea. He'd taken a big plunge into the unhealthy pool when Angie left. He wouldn't tell anyone what happened, just that she was gone and she took his kid and his life with her.

I felt bad for him, he's my best friend so it hurts to see him like this. I didn't realize I'd been staring at the door for a good ten minutes until I felt Kendra drape her arms around my shoulders.

"Go after him. I can tell you're worried, text me to let me know everything is okay when you can." She whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek and walking out of the bar. I smiled at the sweet blonde whose blue eyes never seem to leave me, and stood up to go find the broken hearted man.

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