Ch.5-Shall we play a game

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(Pic is Kendra)

Angie's p.o.v

It had been about a week since Archie's trial and I had yet to go see him. Rosie and Ava were sure to keep me updated but I still missed seeing him. Between Sweet pea and I meeting up to try to fix his memory, school, and me being swamped with Arch Angel duties it had seemed next to impossible to carve out that time, so that's exactly what I did.

I was currently driving to Leopold and Loeb with the girls to see one of my favorite guys. I had specifically taken today off to clear my head so I was also going with Rosie to meet with Jughead, it's high time I see how everything has been going on the Ghoulie front as well.

The drive seemed to take forever and by the time we finally got there I was practically bouncing in my seat. We got our visitors passes and headed back to sit at a table and wait. We were just walking in when none other than Veronica Lodge bumped right into Ava.

"Watch where you're going!" Veronica snapped. Ava, being the sweet girl that she is, began to apologize. "I don't want your apology, I want you to watch where you're going."

Alright she stepped over the line. I stalked forward getting ready to give her a piece of my mind when a familiar voice sounded from behind me.

"Why don't you lay off Veronica. She apologized that's all that matters." I turned to see Archie looking at the she devil with a raised eyebrow. Maybe he'll finally see what a horrible person she is. Probably not, but a girl can hope.

"You're defending her over me?" Veronica popped a hip and scoffed like the queen she thinks she is. Archie looked between her and Ava, who had her head down trying to avoid this whole thing, and nodded.

"Yeah, I am." Veronica's jaw dropped and I just smirked at the girl as she ran off. Yep, that's it, go cry to daddy about what the mean boy did to you.

The girls and I continued our walk to sit at Archie's table, and the redhead gave me a bright smile. He turned to Ava and subtly (not so subtly) asked if she was okay. The girl blushed profusely but assured she was, and told him he didn't have to do that for her.

"Of course I did." Oh boy, he gave her that smile. I laughed to myself and shook my head. Another one bites the dust under the boy-next-door charm of Archie Andrews. "Kiki! It's been forever, I was starting to think you'd forgotten about me."

"You insult me Red, I could never." I gave him a slight smile and patted his hand. I wish I could hug him, but I really didn't need to be hauled off by prison guards right now. I wasn't feeling it today.

We talked for as long as we could, Ava and Archie sending googly eyes at each other the whole time. Rosie and I would just look at each other and roll our eyes when they would get lost in their own little world.

"Well Red, our times up." I really didn't want to go, but there wasn't much I could do at this point. He smiled and waved as we walked out before he was taken back to his cell.

When we got in the car I turned in my seat and sent Ava a sly smile.

"What?" She knew what. She was blushing.

"You know exactly what googly bear. Oh my gosh that's so your new nickname!" I laughed at her mortified face.

"Please don't, that's horrible!" I just laughed some more and shook my head before pulling out of the parking lot.

"Where's your and Jughead's meeting place Rosie?"

"We usually meet at Pop's. It's the easiest." I nodded and began our journey there. When we arrived I could see him sitting in his usual booth, typing away at his computer. What I also noticed is the way Rosie adjusted her beanie and checked her makeup before going in.

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