Ch.25-Or maybe it went like this

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Angie's p.o.v

"I was wrong about you Daughter. You're not as merciless as I took you for, and it's that error, the mistake of letting yourself care, that will be your death." The gunshot rang in my ears, my mouth in a tight line.

"That's where you're wrong Dmitri, I never cared. I was only trying to be nice, but it seems you've forced my hand." I watched blood trickle from between his lips and down his chin, as his strength wavered and he fell to the floor gasping for breath.

"Well played Daughter. You have proven me incorrect yet again, you are the monster I thought you to be." I flinched at his words, but didn't say anything. When he breathed his last I turned the gun on Gabriella, who had stayed in the room, only to have her immediately drop her's and kick it towards me.

"You are going to round up all the traitors and bring them to the back lawn. I will be out in a moment to deal out your punishments." The moment she left the room my facade crumbled, and tears escaped my eyes.

It wasn't long before the group of people I love most in the world came into the room to see what was going on. Sweets was the first to make a move towards me, and quickly pulled me into a tight hug, shushing me gently.

"There was no other way..."

"But what if there was!? What if there was and my first reaction was to kill him!? I'm a murderer, a monster." I sobbed into his chest, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt to pull him closer.

"How can one of the most selfless people I know be a monster? Kiki, you're probably the least monstrous person in this room. We all have our flaws, but yours aren't your fault." I looked up at Archie to thank him, but instead he pushed Sweets out of the way to hug me.

"Hey! What the hell?"

"Back off, she was my Kiki long before she was your Angie." I couldn't hold in the laugh, and the sound of my broken laughter caused everyone else to follow. We looked like a big group of idiots laughing at nothing, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. These people were my family.

"I don't want to do what I'm about to do." Archie pulled away so everyone in the room could see me.

"What are you going to do?" I looked at Jughead who had his arm wrapped tightly around Rosie, both wearing their signature beanies.

"I'm going to strip them all of their tattoos, and if they want to earn my trust again they will have to go through the entire process of becoming Angels again. But I will not be the one doing that for them." Everybody gave me a confused look, but I slowly walked to Sweets ignoring their scrutiny. "I'm no longer going to keep the name Michaela. I never really wanted it in the first place, and the events of these past months have only solidified my need to leave this gang. I love all my Angels, but it is not something I can continue doing. For both mine, and my family's sake."

"And I want you to know, Jughead, that I will be leaving the Serpents as well." I looked at Sweet pea shocked, but he only smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist. "For us."

The room stayed silent for a few minutes, before Sara walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me. Ava soon followed, leading to everybody moving in to form a huge group hug, Sweets and I at the center. They knew what this meant.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Chi-chi." I kissed her cheek and moved out of Sweets' arms to hug her close.

"I promise to visit. After all, Alissa is your godchild." She laughed through her tears, all of us eventually pulling away to wipe stray tears. We all just stood there for a moment, reveling in the peace that we finally had after all this time.

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