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5 years later

Akira's p.o.v

"Nohwa, can you please be sure Aiden still has pants on? We should've left like thirty minutes ago."

"Sure thing babe." I gave him a smile in thanks and got back to packing the four bags I had laying out on the bed. I had just zipped the last one closed when I felt a tug on my pant leg. I looked down to see my three year old son, juice bottle in one hand, the other raised for me to pick him up.

"What's up my little man?" I lifted him into my arms, resting him on my hip, only to realize he was still not wearing pants. "I thought I asked daddy to put some pants on you."

He gave me a silly grin, and pointed towards the door just as Sweets came walking through it with our daughter. He shrugged his shoulders when I raised and eyebrow at him, pulling a small pair of pants from his back pocket.

"I tried my hardest, but the kids fast." This only made Aiden laugh and wiggle in my arms. I gently set him down, watching him run to his father and hug his legs.

"Me don't wanna wear pants daddy." There were few people in this world that could resist my son's big brown puppy dog eyes, and adorable baby voice. Sweet pea was not one of them.

"Aw, babe does he really have to wear pants? We're gonna be in the car for most of the day, and he's still small, nobody will say anything." I opened my mouth to answer, but was cut of by my sassy little girl who placed her hands on her hips and furrowed her eyebrows at her dad.

"Yes daddy, of course he has to wear pants. He's a boy, and that's gross." I couldn't stop the small laugh that bubbled out of me as Sweets cocked his head at Alissa like a puppy dog would.

"Are you saying boys are gross?" Alissa nodded her head fervently, which caused Sweet pea to let out a chuckle.

"I don't think I've ever been happier to be called gross before. You just remember that statement when you turn 13 and a cute boy asks you out." Alissa scrunched her nose in disgust, walking towards me so I could pick her up.

"Boys aren't cute, they're yucky. And I'm five not firteen." She was still struggling a little with her 'th' sound, but considering she was only five she talked really well.

"I hate to break this up, but we need to hit the road. Circle it up Costners!" Sweet pea came and stood beside me, so that our family was all gathered in a circle. "Now, is everybody set?"

"You bet!" They all replied enthusiastically. It was something we had started doing anytime we were leaving to go somewhere, and became a routine.

About ten minutes later we were all loaded in the car, luggage in the trunk, kids in the back, and ready to head towards Riverdale. It had become tradition for us to go over there for Thanksgiving. Every now and then we'd go for Christmas, but we usually just stayed at home for that one.

After we sorted everything in Riverdale five years ago, we moved to Boston to start over. The house Richard had gotten us was perfect for our family, and had everything we'd wanted, including the picket fence and red door. A few months after we'd moved in and gotten settled, we adopted a German Shepherd who we named Sebastian, but we called him Bash for short.

We got married a year after moving, and a year after that Sweets knocked me up again, but this time with our adorable little boy Aiden Jakob. Life was great, and spectacularly uneventful, until Sweet pea got a call from his dad asking to meet him. Luckily Sweets' dad wasn't a homicidal maniac like mine was, he was just genuinely curious as to how his son was doing.

The Christmas of that year we spent with him and his new family, since he only lived about thirty minutes away. Jakob, Sweet pea's dad, became fairly involved in his grandkids lives after that, and him and his wife would occasionally pop in to say hello and play with the kids.

An Angel in Serpent's skinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon