Ch.18-Screwed up pillow talk

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Sweet pea's p.o.v

Everyone cheered as I won yet another game of pool. I smiled and held my hand out to my opponent.

"Good game Pea, you still got it." He laughed and shook his head while putting the $20 bill in my hand.

"What the hell are you talking about, I never lost it." I snickered at him and added the money to my growing pile. I was getting ready to ask who wanted a proper ass whooping next when I felt small hands creep around my waist.

"Great game Sweets." She was using her seductive voice (which wasn't really all that seductive) and I had to withhold an eye roll. "How about we head back to yours and celebrate?"

"Make it yours and you got a deal." I smirked at Josie and she returned it grabbing my hand to pull me away. As we were walking out I glanced over to see Fangs with a disappointed look on his face. He shook his head at me and I flipped him the bird before grabbing Josie by the waist to pull her in and make a point.

That had pretty much been the extent of Fangs and my interactions as of the past... well shit I'm not completely sure. It's been at least a couple weeks since we had a real conversation. It's been even longer since she left. Josie was the latest in a long line of what I like to call 'forget me girls'. They don't know that, and I never fuck them more than three times. Everybody knows they just fall in love if you fuck them the fourth. Hence the reason Fangs won't talk to me right now.

Josie has become my booty call girl again. This time though we were both using each other, so when one of us inevitably broke it off there wouldn't be any hard feelings. She tried asking me what changed when we first started screwing around again. I shut her up with a kiss, but she's been getting more and more persistent in her questions which means this is probably going to end soon.

We'd barely made it through the door when her lips started assaulting mine. She was such a sloppy kisser compared to Angie. All of the girls I'd been with didn't hold anything to Angie, no one ever would. It didn't matter too much though since I was in it purely for distraction.

I had actually been doing pretty well the first couple of weeks. I wasn't drinking myself into oblivion like last time, or screwing with anything that had a pussy like I am now. I was fairly healthy, until I received a text from an unknown number with a picture attached. She'd cut off her head, but she was standing in the mirror showing me how big her bump had gotten. All the text said was 'we're okay'.

I tried to text her back, I tried to call her. The only answer I got was a machine saying the number had been disconnected, and apparently that automated voice was the straw that broke the camel's back. That's how I ended up here, hovering over Josie as she palmed me through my pants like the overeager girl she is. I pushed the thoughts from my mind as I realized I was not being very attentive.

She sighed when my lazy kisses turned more forceful and I ground my hips onto hers. She flipped us over to 'take control' (even though we both knew I'd be doing all the work because she could not ride for anything) and when I glanced up she looked to be in pure ecstasy. I don't think I was even kinda hard, and she looked like she was about to come undone already.

Before I realized what I was doing I'd pushed her off of me and buckled my pants. She was panting on the bed, and looking at me confused but immediately started chasing me when I headed towards the door.

"Wait! Pea, what're you doing? Where are you going? What's wrong?"

"Would you just shut the hell up! I have a headache and I'm not in the mood for this right now. I'm leaving." She grabbed my arm to make me turn towards her, and I was shocked to see the hurt look on her face.

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