Ch.4-Goodbyes are the worst

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Angie's p.o.v

We all were gathered in court yet again waiting for Archie's trial to begin. I was ringing my hands because I was so nervous. Ava and Rosie sat on the other side of me while I was on the end of the pew. They talked quietly to themselves while I turned to biting my lip instead of ringing my hands.

"You look nervous." I looked up to see Sweet pea giving me a kind smile.

"Well one of my best friends is potentially facing years and years of jail time so yeah, I'm a little nervous." He nodded before gesturing for her to scoot over so he could sit next to her. She easily slid over and he squeezed in. Her cheeks burned at their close proximity and when she asked the girls to scoot a little more they just smirked and shook their heads.

The trial started soon after that and she was immediately enraptured. She hadn't even noticed that when things weren't looking good she moved her hand to Sweets' leg. When she realized she went to move it but he just grabbed it and laced their fingers with a reassuring smile.

The trial went for what felt like forever before the unexpected happened. Archie went against his mother's wishes and accepted the jail time.

"No." I whispered. I started to stand up and object when Sweet pea pulled me back down.

"That's not gonna help him now babygirl. Just leave it, they'll probably let you see him before they actually put him away." He was whispering in my ear, he'd called me babygirl, and was rubbing my back but none of it was working to calm me down. This was Archie, there's no way he killed someone.

Everything after that happened in a flash. Archie was taken away, I followed along with Ava and Rosie so we could do what we needed to so he'd be okay while locked up, and Sweet pea told me he needed to go and hesitantly leaned down and kissed my cheek before walking off. I'd freak out about that later right now I needed to get to Archie.

After running around like chickens with our heads cut off the girls and I finally got to where we needed to be and I was running towards Archie.

"Red I'm so sorry. This is horrible." I began to cry while he just held me in his arms and swayed us back and forth.

"It's okay Kiki. If I felt like there were any other way I'd have waited, but there's no getting out of this for me." I just buried my head deeper in his shoulder while he squeezed me tighter. "Look at it this way, when I get out I'll have a little kid to meet and spoil."

I laughed lightly and wiped my eyes. I looked at him for another minute before regaining my composure.

"Goodbyes are the worst Red, so I'm not gonna say goodbye. I'm saying see you later, and let's be honest you only accepted the jail time to avoid my pregnancy hormones." Archie burst into laughter before pulling me into yet another hug.

"Damn straight Kiki. I'll see you later." He kissed my cheek lightly and gave me a smile. I returned it before stepping back for Ava and Rosie to talk to him.

"Well it sounds like you're going to be in Leopold and Loeb so I guess I'll see you there tomorrow." Ava gave him a smile and he smiled back. Rosie and I looked at each other smirking before Rosie grabbed Ava's arm.

"Good luck in there Red." I looked at Rosie raising an eyebrow.

"Excuse me, that's my nickname."

"Not anymore." My jaw dropped and I looked at Archie.

"What do you plan to do about this?" Archie just laughed and pulled me into a side hug.

"Looks like you finally have to share the nickname Kiki."

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