Ch.12-It's a...

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Angie's p.o.v

"Can you believe this? One of my angels found dead in an alley. Some Arch Angel I am." I'd found out about her yesterday, and was dealing with all the aftermath. I was ridiculously stressed and that was not going to make for good results at my doctors appointment later.

"You can't blame yourself for this. For all we know she could've been wrapped up in something bad. Besides, technically it's Bronwyn's job to protect you guys now, right?" I hesitated before nodding and sighing.

"You're right, I can't focus on that right now."

"Well you can, but it's much more fun to focus on the fact that we get to find out what our baby's gender is today." I laughed at how excited he was. Don't get me wrong I was super excited too, but he was practically bouncing with excitement.

"You're right that is more fun." He smiled and came to hug me. "What names did you decide you liked for each gender?"

"I like both of the ones you said, but for a girl I like Alissa Jade and for a boy I like Winston Jakob." I nodded my agreement and we stayed in our embrace for a while before my phone began to ring.


"Hello gorgeous, it's Richard. Are we still on to start on Monday? I saw what happened to that girl and I didn't know if there were things you needed to do."

"That's very considerate of you Mr.King, but I'm fine to start on Monday as planned. Unfortunately life does go on, and as tragic as this is, it does me no good to wallow in it."

"I'm glad to hear it. See you Monday sweetheart."

I told him goodbye and hung up. Sweet pea didn't care for my new boss, he thought he was a little too flirty, but he couldn't argue with the pay.

We still had a while before the appointment, and I needed to do some arranging for this Angel's funeral. She was one of the newer ones, initiated when Bronwyn was. She hung around me a lot, and some of the girls said she asked questions about me all the time, but she seemed sweet enough. Not worthy of such a short life if nothing else.

Sara and Bronwyn came in to my office hand in hand. I was still getting used to them being together since Sara hated her guts when she first got here. They seemed to really like each other now though, and who was I to judge? They sat at my desk and gave me a stern look. Uh-oh.

"We need to talk." Sara was using her 'this is important' voice, which always made me nervous.

"Okay... what's up?"

"We think that the Seraphim's death was suspicious. We want to tighten our security." Bronwyn didn't leave any room for question in her voice.

"Well as acting Cherubim, if you feel that that's the smartest thing to do you are in charge of security. Mine and the Angels'."

"I know this, that's why I'm taking this death rather hard. It happened on my watch." Sara rubbed her girlfriend's shoulder soothingly.

"The sad thing is there was no way you could've known or prevented what happened. You can't blame yourself, or your head won't be in the game." She nodded and the room fell silent.

"So... can I come to the appointment to see what little baby Swangie is?" Sara had the biggest grin I'd ever seen on her face. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I think this is something special that should be just Sweet pea and I, but you can wait in the driveway to be sure you're the first one to know if you want." She pouted for a little bit before nodding.

An Angel in Serpent's skinWhere stories live. Discover now