Ch.14-The plan

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Angie's p.o.v

When I awoke I was sitting in my car that was still parked right outside of the office. My mind didn't have time to catch up with my actions before I was turning the car on and racing to the house.

I was overwhelmed. All of this information was bogging me down and I had to swerve to get out of the other lane. I needed to focus.

The moment I walked into the house Bronwyn was pulling me to the office.

"Where have you been? Everything here has been going absolutely crazy! Have you seen the news? If not, you're on it. I couldn't stop Rose and Ava. They said something about needing to act now or some guy named Archie was gonna die. I gave them my permission since you weren't here I hope that's okay..."

"What!? They're breaking him out? Did they get enough people? Did you check their plan to be sure it was okay? That they aren't gonna get caught?"

"As best as I could in the short time. I would've gone with them, but I didn't want to leave the Angels unprotected since you weren't here. Oh! I almost forgot, Sweet pea is panicking in your room. He thought something bad had happened to you." I gave her a look and was about to tell her what was going on when Dmitri's words came to mind.

What if I couldn't trust her? Who could I trust? I made myself move from the thought and told her I was going to calm Sweet pea down. If there was anyone I knew I could trust, it's him.

I moved quickly down the halls to my room. When I entered Sweet pea was pacing back and forth, a worry line creasing his forehead. He turned to continue his pacing and caught sight of me. His face immediately relaxed into a relieved state and he walked towards me, pulling me into his arms.

"Thank god you're okay! I was worried sick! Where have you been? Have you seen that you're on the news as a suspect? What the hell is going on?"

I quickly explained everything to him and watched as his brain tried to catch up to what I was saying. When he'd caught up his eyes widened and he did a quick once over to make sure I had no injuries.

"I don't know who to trust anymore Pea. Anyone could be working for him, and if they find evidence to convict me I'm going to jail. I know what I have to do."

"What do you have to do Angie?" He looked worried for what I was going to say. I don't blame him, he wasn't going to like it.

"I had a chance to look over their rough draft escape plan for Archie. I'm going to run away with him. They're keeping him in a bunker for tonight, but they'll leave tomorrow to get him out of the country until he can be proven innocent. I'm going to go with him. It's the only way." As soon as I began talking Sweet pea was shaking his head at me.

"Absolutely not. That's insane. You need to be here for your doctor."

"And what good does a doctor do if I go to prison?" He took a deep breath and leveled me with a stern look.

"Okay, I'll pack my stuff. I'm coming with you."

"Like hell you are! You are staying right here Nohwa Jakob Costner! And that's final."

"Then you are staying right here with me, Akira Rose McCoy! Wherever you go I go, and that's what's actually final." I couldn't help but let out an amused breath at how stubborn he was being.

"Fine. You come with me. We pack tonight and leave in the morning."

"Sure thing, but come here first." I did as asked and he brought me into a torrid kiss. His lips moved on mine with a fervency that I had missed since becoming pregnant.

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