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Angie's p.o.v

I was sitting in my office rubbing circles on my aching head. It had been two weeks since everything had happened and I was no closer to having any of my problems solved. I was very tempted to break the rules and set Sara in as Cherubim instead of bringing people in. I love Sweet pea, but one more day of him breathing down my neck and following me everywhere and I will pull my hair out.

A knock sounded from the door and Sara walked in. She sat in front of my desk and looked me directly in the eye.

"You need to take a break. It's not healthy for the baby, all this stress, plus it wouldn't hurt to actually go look for a Cherubim instead of just hoping one will magically appear."

"Sara I'm fine. Sweet pea is... protecting me for the moment and I can't take a break until I know Archie is safe and my Angels aren't being threatened. If it weren't for the fact that I knew I needed this ultrasound I would probably cancel the appointment." Sara just gaped at me before standing from her seat and coming around the desk so she was standing directly over me.

"Listen hear little mama, your first and foremost duty should be to your baby, not us. I understand that you have obligations, but you two's health is much more important than anything else right now. We will find a way to save Archie, and we will find out who is doing this, but as for right now you need to take a break." I sighed knowing she was right. I hadn't been sleeping well and was actually really exhausted.

"I'm taking most of today off to go to the doctor, but I don't have someone to set into place for me to take any more time than that. So for now that'll just have to do." Sara just sighed and shook her head before laying off and walking out the door.

I groaned and slammed my fist into the desk. Well, that's gonna bruise. I flexed and clenched my fist to be sure nothing was broken before sighing. I couldn't do anything right, how on earth was I gonna be a good mother if I can't even protect the Angels?

Before I could stop them, the tears were steaming down my face. Once the first tear dropped they were unstoppable. My body began to shake and I wrapped my arms around myself trying to hold it together. I heard footsteps coming down the hall and looked up to see Sweet pea with a worried expression. Like the big baby I was I just lifted my arms above my head and he came over and picked me up to set me on his lap.

"What's wrong babygirl?" My breathing was ragged and I just buried my face in his neck.

"I don't know how to do this Sweets. I can't even take care of these girls, how am I supposed to take care of a baby? I can't save Archie, how am I supposed to save your memory? I don't... I can't do this! I'm just gonna let you both down." He shook his head at me before putting his hand to the back of my head and laying it on his chest.

"You don't really believe that do you? Angie, you are the most amazing girl I've ever met. You took these girls in when they needed you the most, you stayed strong when I wasn't around, and have taken such good care of our baby. You have such a good heart, and your so smart, I know you'll figure out what needs to be done for Archie, and I know you'll figure out who's behind the threats because that's just what you do. You figure it out."

"I got Michaela killed, Sweet pea! That was my fault! You lost your memory because you were dating me. This baby has health issues because I poisoned them. Don't you see Sweet pea? It's all my fault."

"None of that's true, but I don't think I'm going to be able to convince you otherwise right now, and we have to leave for the appointment soon. Why don't you go get ready ok?" I just nodded and walked towards my room.

I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed for the first time how ragged I looked. I had eye bags, my face was still splotchy from crying, and I just looked broken. I sighed knowing my appearance wasn't getting any better than what it was now and went to meet Sweets.

An Angel in Serpent's skinWhere stories live. Discover now