Ch.16-It's been awhile

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Angie's p.o.v

I was lying awake in my bed thinking about what would come next in my life. Isolation from everyone except Archie for who knows how long. I gently rubbed my stomach as I stared at the ceiling, willing myself to fall asleep.

These past weeks without Sweet pea have been a literal hell. I didn't realize until now that I basically used him as a pregnancy pillow, and the warmth and protection he provided is what got me to sleep at night. This means that my sleeping schedule is wack because I don't fall asleep until the early hours of the morning, leaving me tired and whiny all day long.

I'm lucky that these people are my friends, I doubt anyone else would put up with this shit. I checked my phone to see it was about three in the morning and I still hadn't fallen asleep. With a sigh I rolled out of bed and walked towards the kitchen. I was aiming to get a late night snack, but my plans were foiled when Gladys flipped on the lights and smirked at me.

"Whatcha doin' there hotshot?" I gave her a sheepish grin and clasped my hands in front of me.

"I didn't realize anyone else would be awake. I was just coming to get a snack to see if it'd help me fall asleep." She gave me a kind smile and pulled a box of something from the cabinet. I watched her closely as she pulled out a pot and began to boil some water.

"This was one of the only things that would help me fall asleep when I was pregnant. How are you holding up? I know it can't be easy, what you're going through." I saw her pull a teabag out of the box and put it in the pot.

"I'm doing okay. I miss him, I think Alissa misses him too honestly. I'm under a lot of stress, and worried about her since she wasn't in very good health when I left. I'll make it through though, I always do." I tenderly stroked my stomach while she poured the tea into a cup and mixed in a little bit of honey. She handed me the cup, and I took it with a small thanks before taking a sip. The hot liquid felt amazing as it slid down my throat, and it made me take a big relaxed breath.

"What do you think?" I nodded in affirmation and she laughed lightly. "I'm glad you like it, and I hope it helps you like it did me. I'm off to bed I'll see you later."

"Goodnight." I walked back to my room with my cup in hand. I sat down on my bed and turned on the tv to watch Friends. Sweet pea and I used to watch this show together all the time, there were some episodes that we could quote word for word. I smiled at the memories of us randomly blurting out phrases from the show and waiting for the other to answer.

When I finished my tea I laid down hoping to fall asleep. Just as I was beginning to doze off, the sound of an engine broke through the silence. Considering it was 4:30 in the morning I didn't think there should be anyone coming around. I slipped my shoes on and began trudging towards the door. I was finally starting to get sleepy, and I was gonna kick some ass when I found out what dummy was riding around this early.

I walked out the door and straight towards the glowing headlight of somebody's motorcycle. I stomped towards them, but my anger slowly turned into confusion when I saw who was sitting on the bike. Before I could fully process what was going on, Sweet pea had thrown his helmet to the ground and raced towards me crushing me in a vice like hug. I heard him whisper my name over and over again as if he wasn't sure I was really here. He pulled out of the hug to place his hands on my stomach.

"You've gotten bigger." Alissa kicked Pea's hand and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Hi sweetheart. Did you miss me? Cause I know I missed you."

"Sweet pea..." This pulled his attention away from my stomach for a moment. "What are you doing here? How'd you find me?"

"I got a call saying you were getting ready to actually disappear, and they thought I deserved a goodbye. I must admit that I was a little disappointed that it wasn't you who called, but I'll take what I can get." He gave me a big smile, and my brain finally registered that I wasn't dreaming. He was really here, standing in front of me.

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