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Angie's p.o.v

I watched Sweet pea's chest heave up and down. His glare hadn't lightened at all since he realized I was missing something very important.

"Sweet pea, I can explain. I just need you to keep an open mind." His glare faltered for a split second, but it was long enough for me to see how worried he truly was. He nodded for me to continue. "I... I lost her..."

"What!?" He interrupted instantly. Tears sprang to his eyes, and I could practically see him falling apart. To him, that was the last straw. He'd had so much happen and losing Alissa was the icing on the cake. I shook my head to clear my thoughts before continuing.

"Let me finish. I lost her, but that's only what everyone else thinks. In reality, she's sitting in the car waiting to meet her dad." I could barely hold back my smile as I watched his devastated face turn to one of pure joy. Before I could get another word out he ran out the door to the car to see  our sweet baby sleeping peacefully. He opened the door slowly and carefully grabbed the car seat unhooking it to carry it inside. When we got inside I unbuckled her and picked her up, placing a soft kiss to her head before laying her in Sweets' awaiting arms.

"Hello beautiful. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to meet you. You're even prettier than I'd imagined you'd be, and I love you so much." His eyes never left his daughter, and my heart broke at what I was about to tell him. "She's perfect."

His smile dropped when he saw the look on my face and he instinctively brought her closer. His protective dad side already kicking in.

"She is, but we can't keep her here." He was already shaking his head. "I wasn't even gonna tell you the truth, but when I saw her I knew I couldn't keep it from you. I hate that I have to do this. I hate that I have to take her away from you again, but I think it's what's best for her safety. And I know that if you think about it at all, you'll realize it too."

"I don't wanna let go of her." I clamped my eyes shut so that I didn't have to see his pained expression. When I reopened them he was kissing her forehead softly, snuggling her impossibly closer.

"I honestly thought you'd be scared to hold her at first, but here you are being the perfect dad right off the bat." He smiled at me half heartedly before sighing.

"What did you have in mind?" I bit my lip, wondering if I should wait to tell him. Give him a few more hours of time with her without this sitting heavy in his mind. But I knew it wouldn't make it any easier so I moved to sit next to him laying my head on his shoulder and gazing at our daughter.

"I asked the doctor that induced my labor for me, and she's sending someone from the foster care program to pick her up tomorrow. Originally I had it set up for me to hold her for a while and have her taken away immediately afterwards, but like I said before I just couldn't do that to you." He nodded solemnly.

"We get her back though, right?"

"Of course! In fact as long as we're careful we can visit her whenever we like as well. I promise as soon as all of this is over she'll be back here with us. I'm ending this now." He must've noticed that my jaw was tense with determination because he leaned over slightly, careful of the baby in his arms, and pressed warm kisses across it.

"We did good." He whispered in my ear, nibbling on it softly. I shuddered slightly but nodded in agreement. "She's gorgeous, just like her mom."

I laughed slightly, but it hitched in my throat when he kissed me roughly. He shifted the baby again to get a better angle and deepened the kiss. My hands cupped his jaw and stroked his cheekbones, but I slowly pulled away from him before he could get too carried away.

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