Home for the Holidays

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I stuck around for the day as usual but today was different. These guys were crazy! Their the most crazy,silly,odd bunch of guys I have ever met.

Of course, Bret is perfect in every way. I'm developing a crush on my best friends brother. Straight out of a scene from a Molly Ringwald picture. I just stared at him when he wasn't looking.

He was a great brother and son. He was good to both of them. I know his parents are divorced and that was really hard on Jo. But, they still got along really well. It was weird to me.

They put up the tree and C.C. thought it would be funny to decorate himself first. What a strange man. Then, he grabbed the mistletoe and kept trying get Debbie to kiss him.

Bret spoke very little to me,He was polite, and everything which was good cause whenever he did my neck turned beet red and I blushed. Frig.  What a loser. A crush and I'm acting like a 12 year old.

I glanced at my swatch and saw I better be going home. I dreaded going home. I never knew what the hell was going to be there. And, it wouldn't be good.

"Jo, I gotta go home."

She look dejected. "I know. Bye Torri.   I'm a call away."

We hugged like we were going to be separated for a month instead of a day or less.


They all said a quick bye but Debbie gave me a hug and said,"you come back anytime. No matter what. Day or night,k?"

I nodded. She got it.

I grabbed my book bag,slung it over my shoulder and got my bike. I grabbed my walkman put my Janet Jackson tape in and took off toward home.

Christmas was a friggin nightmare. The tree wasn't up and we were supposed to put it up but dad left early and my mother passed out on the couch and slept Christmas Eve away.

Christmas morning was even more depressing. No tree. No presents. My father took off at 9 to go God knows where and my mother still hungover never stirred. My older brother Tony stayed in his room until some creepy looking guy came got him that they left.

I pathetically made breakfast with no one to eat it. So, I went up to my room and wrote songs. I love to sing and play guitar. At this moment, My idol is Pat Benatar and I've been told I sound like her.

I write and play. It helps me to escape. I'm sure Jo is having a great morning and I'm happy for her. Truly. Me? Christmas morning and my drunken mother is snoring in the next room while Tony goes it and gets stoned and my father is probably screwing his secretary.

Merry Christmas.

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