Second Meeting

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*Bret's POV*

Torrence. My little sisters old best friend. I still remember the first day I met her. She was this cute little teenage girl who had a huge crush on me.

It was sweet,really. But, I remember her eyes were so sad,for a young girl her age she had the saddest eyes I'd ever seen.

Then, tragedy struck her family. I'll never forget my sister calling me in hysterics begging me to come home. I couldn't,of course,but I looked for Torrence too At first not that I could do much but I tried.

Then, one night at the Rainbow I saw her. She was on stage singing and moving her body that would make any man drool. My first thought was who is this hot chick than as I was about to approach her I saw it was Torrence.

Her stage name was TorKat. Weird but it worked. Her band Mental Disorder was hot too. They could play. But, Tori was a hot chick. I wanted her so badly until I remembered who She was.

Then, my band played after her one night at the Rainbow and I was pissed cause while we were trying to play, the crowd cheered for them.

Torrence came right up on stage grabbed the mike and screamed for the crowd to shut the fuck up and listen to us. She threw the mike back at me and stalked off. I never saw her again...until now.

And, my God was she beautiful. I wanted her.

I wanted to run away. To hide. I Dr not want to see this guy. Bret. A link to my past. Forget it. That was done and over with. No reminders.

I approached him. Walking seductively and staring into his eyes. I watched his reaction to me. Typical. His eyes widen just a little and he shifts.

"My name is TorKat. For your information. Don't fuck it up again. Bret Michaels. "

I turned and started to walk away. I'm done with this and him. I never want to see his face again. I walk slowly so he can stare at my ass. I shook it just so.

"Hey!" He yelled. I kept walking.

"Hey!" He yelled again.

I whipped around fury in my eyes.

"If you want me than call me, do not call me' Hey'. I am not a farm animal. Got me?"

I snarled the words in his face.

To my utter fury and amazement he started laughing. Everyone stood in shock. Not knowing what I would do.

So, I did what came natural I slugged him.

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