Chapter 4

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Sangmi POV
Me and my friends were on our way to the cafeteria but I heard students talking and laughing. We looked at the source and saw the students were laughing at Jungkook who was just looking down.
It is getting irritating. What did he even do to them?? I went towards their direction. But no one saw me and continued laughing.
"Just.Shut.Up" I said with gritted teeth.

Once I said that, they all looked at me with scared eyes.
"Get lost.!!" They all ran away.
I looked at Jungkook and saw him already looking at me. Once we locked eyes he smiled. cute!!! I smiled slightly and went back to my friends.

"Wow Sangmi. Are you in love with him?" Rose unnie asked.
"Ohhh really~~~" All my unnies teased me.
"NO, I dont." I said while blushing lightly.
"Then why blushing? Hm hm." Lisa unnie teased.
"I dont know." I ran to the cafeteria and heard my unnies laughing at the back.

Jungkook POV
OMG!!!! She smiled. MeaNing she doesnt hate me. Ahhh I am so happy. Wait...why should I be happy?

I suddenly heard her friends teasing her. I looked over at them and saw Sangmi blushing a lil and denying everything. Aww so cute. But why do I feel sad when she denied...?
Am I falling in love with her?? Nono I can't. She won't love me. I will probably be heartbroken loving her.

It was art class. The teacher came in and told us to stay in our group. I saw Sangmi's friend waving at me. I went towards their direction.
I sat down between Taehyung and Jisoo because that was the only seat available.
"Let's introduce ourselves." Jisoo said.
"I already told him our names yesterday. We don't need to do introduce." Taehyung said rolling his eyes.
"Whatever. Ok let's start our project." Jisoo said and smiled.

(Think what project cause I dont know anything about art 🤧)

Art class finished and it was time to go home.
"Byebye." Jisso said. She is very active. But no one replied her. "Bye." I said. She smiled at me. I smiled back and went home.

Jisoo POV
"Hey girl. He is very silent, innocent and nice. Great choice." I said and winked at Sangmi.
"Are you serious.? I dont like him ok."
"Yeahyeah. Deny how much you want but your heart will always be like 'I likee him' nono I mean 'I love him'"
She just rolled her eyes and went outside,"Bye."
Hahaha she sure loves him. Even if she deny her eyes tell another story. "Byebyeeee!!" I replied back giggling.

Sangmi POV
I hate you unnie. My face is all red now. I shouldn't even be blushing but I dont know why I am. I sighed. Do I love him? But I can't. It would be ridiculous....

Or will not....

Ugh!!! I will die thinking so much. I went home and slept once I reached.

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