Interview and a New Friend

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Kathryn's POV


I roll over and turn off my phone alarm. It read 8am, then suddenly Raelynn's went off too.

"Ugh, already?" Raelynn said sleepily.

"Dude, I know.." I said. We crawled out of bed and I let her shower first since she's the one with the interview.

20 mins later

Raelynn hops out of the shower and now its my turn.

Raelynn's POV

I heard my phone go off while I was getting dressed. I quickly checked it, only to see that it was a message from Joey.

Good morning! Good luck during your interview. Text me when you get out of it and we can meet up! 😁

I couldn't help but smile, he's literally go great. I then heard Kathryn's phone go off, and since she was in the shower, I just helped myself.

When I opened her phone and the message, it was from someone that I wouldn't expect to text her.

Ex 🙃
Please come back. I want to make this work.

Good morning to her I suppose.

Kathryn's POV

I walk out of the shower and into the room seeing Rae on my phone.

"Hey, Rae. Did someone text me?" She then sighed and replied.

" Ya, David did."

"What did he say?"

"That he wants you to go back and make it work with him." She didn't sound too happy.

"You know I don't plan on leaving here without you. We moved here to get better scenery! We needed a new beginning!" Rae sighed once more.

"He wasn't supposed to know that we moved here. Why would he ask you to go back?"

"I don't know, I didn't tell him. The last time I talked to him was a few weeks ago, and that was when he tried to get back with me after the official breakup!"

"Was this the first time he tried to contact you since we got here?" I nodded.

"Ya, I don't talk to him very much. He was a shitty person. He's better off with those girls that he cheated on me with. I mean, why would I talk to him after he threw away our relationship? We dated for a year and got engaged!" Tears welled up, even though i was hoping that they weren't. "We were engaged for 2 months before I found out he cheated." A few tears tolled down my face and I quickly wiped em off. Next thing I know, Rae hugged me.

"Yes, I know. I know what happened because I was there." She rubbed my back and was making feel a whole lot better. "Now stop crying, let's go to my interview!"

An hour later...


We finally made it to Rae's new job; well hopefully new job.

I hugged Raelynn before she went inside and I sat down on the outside bench.

A few minutes later, I started to hear crying. Like a kid or a child crying. I slowly started to walk towards the crying, hoping it wouldn't be too far from the burger place.

Next thing I know, I can see a young boy sitting on a bench by the road with his little hands in his face; the poor thing was sobbing.

I had no idea what else to do but try to help this little boy, so I walked over and kneeled down so I was at his level.

"Hey there, whats wrong sweetheart?" He calmed down a little bit after hearing my soft tone. He seemed a bit nervous. "Don't worry, I heard you crying from around the block. I won't do anything to hurt you." I smiled gently, so he could relax a little.

He then smiled and wiped his face with his sleeve of his shirt. He then moves his black hair out of his face.

"Whats your name?" He asked me sweetly.

"My name is Kathryn, how about yours?" He moved over on the bench so I could sit with him.

"My names Mokuba!" I smiled.

"Well, that's a cute name!" He smiled back. "So why were you crying? Did something bad happen?" He sighed.

"Not particularly. You see that building down the road with the big letter K on it?" I nodded and he saw. "Well, that's my big brothers company. He's been really stressed lately with meetings and work not getting done the way it needs to be." Mokuba started to frown, and it made me feel terrible.

"Oh no, thats not good."

"No, its not good at all." He sighed again and continued. "My big brother Seto turns into a jerk when he gets stressed out, and I don't blame him. He is the CEO of one of the biggest gaming companies in the whole world. But, he takes it all out on me and I'm supposed to be the vice president!" He said the last sentence with a bit of anger and disappointment.

"Mokuba, I'm sure your brother will end up apologizing to you right? I mean, he's much older than you, am I correct?" Mokuba nodded.

"You're right. I'm only 12 years old. My big brother is 18, fresh out of high school. But, he never apologizes." His look turned sad and I gently rubbed his back.

"Want to know something?" He looked up at me with curious eyes before nodding. "I'm fresh out of high school as well. You see, my best friend Raelynn and I moved her the other day from America. We needed a new place to be and she's currently at a job interview." His face lit up, which made me feel 100x better.

"Oh really! Thats so cool, where is her interview?" He asked so kindly.

"That burger place around the corner from here. Unfortunately, I don't have a job right now." Mokuba then stood up and faced me with a determined smile.

"I can get you a job! Maybe you could work with my big brother Seto and turn him into a nicer person!" I giggled. "What? you don't think its a good idea?" His smile went away.

"Oh, Mokuba no sweetie. Its not that at all. But, it is really hard to change someone. Trust me, I've been there and done that."

"Oh, okay. Well, would you like to meet my brother now? I'm happy we talked, you made me feel better." He hugged me tightly, like he never wanted to let go.

"I don't see why not. What is the companies name?"

"Kaiba Corp!" Mokuba was so excited, he was jumping.

"Okay, calm down now dork." He laughed. "I have to text Raelynn to let her know where I am so she could come on over after her interview okay?" Mokuba nodded.

I then pulled out my phone and sent my message.

Hey, I went on a walk while you were at your interview. I saw a kid crying and I helped him and he told me that his older brother is a CEO of a huge company here called Kaiba Corp. So I'm going there right now with this kid named Mokuba. Hopefully I have a job now. Haha, I'll call you when I get out.

ALRIGHT! Chapter 2 is now finished. Thank you for reading!

Yes, I did edit up the story info and the first chapter. I thought of a different scenario to use for my story. 💜

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