The Next Day

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Seto's POV

After the night of dueling Collier at Baker Beach, Kathryn and I just went back to the hotel across from Industrial Illusions. She was tired, and I must admit; so was I.

The next morning, I wake up and I check my phone. The time read 8:30am and Kathryn was still sleeping. Her back faced me and she was giving off her little snores. I chuckled and I sent Mokuba a text. 

Hey, Kathryn's still asleep. Are you awake yet? If so, come by in 30 minutes. I'm taking a shower.

I get up from bed, grabbed my soap and clothes from my bag, and I went into the bathroom. I get naked and I started the shower water. I put my soaps in the shower and I walk right in. The warm water woke me up, even though I would appreciate a cup of coffee. I started to wash my hair as I relaxed under the water. It felt like I haven't showered in days, even though I shower everyday.

knock knock

"Seto..?" Kathryn said groggily. 

"Showering." I said, annoyed like always.

"I have to pee. I'm coming in.." I heard the door open and I peeked out of the shower curtain, seeing her in the big, blue shirt and her black pair of boy shorts. When she pulled her boy shorts down, I couldn't help but blush and turn away. Hopefully she didn't see me being a Peeping Tom, that would be GREAT to hear her confront.

"I'm almost done, make it quick." She rushed to clean herself, get up, pull her shorts back up, flush then wash her hands. I washed my body and I noticed that my member became a bit solid since I watched her when she was in here. I just groaned and wished for it to go away.

Kathryn's POV

I got out of the bathroom so Seto could finish his shower. I need to take one too when he's done, so I went into my bag and grabbed today's outfit. 

A navy pair of skinny jeans with a plain white t shirt. I heard my phone go off too when I was getting my clothes out of the bag. I went to see it and it was an odd number, but the text said it all.

Heya! So, this is Joey. I need to talk to you about Rae. If you can call me today, that would be great. Don't worry, we're not even talking anymore. I have no idea what happened. She told me she needed to go somewhere and didn't exactly say where she was heading. Then, I saw her when she got back at the apartment and asked me where a big burn pile was. I didn't know so I told her that I didn't know where one was, and she looked like she was going to cry. But ya, if you're not busy today give me a call.

My heart sank. This made me feel terrible, so of course I called him.

"Oh hey! You got my message?" 

"Well, duh. How else was I going to call you? I didn't have your number before hand." He laughed on the other end.

"Eh, true. So what the hell is up with Rae? This is weird."

"Um, well it's a long story so I hope you're comfortable." 

"I am! Spill it on me!"

I ended up explaining everything, from the 4 way duel and her showing up, threatening to burn my things if I didn't duel her, etc. 

"What!? Oh, no. I'm so sorry, Kath. That sucks." Joey sighed, knowing that I don't really have anything that's mine anymore. "I mean, she also said that you and Kaiba are dating, maybe he would be consider giving you some money to go get yourself some new clothes and whatever else. That would impress me." I heard him chuckle in the background.

"Ya, well he's in the shower right now. I plan on discussing it with him today anyway because when we get back to Domino City, I won't have a place to stay."

"Ya, that sucks. I'm sorry that you went through some rough patches. If you need anything, call me!" I smiled over the phone. It was nice hearing that.

"Of course!" I heard the bathroom door knob turn, signifying that Seto was out of the shower. "I have to go, it's my turn so shower. I'll text you later!" 

"Okay, sounds like a plan. Talk soon!" I hung up almost immediately.

"Who was that?" My angered boyfriend asked, with a hint of jealousy as he made himself a pot of hotel coffee.

"Joey, he wanted to talk about Rae." When I said his name he tensed. 

"Don't talk to that mutt." I giggled. "It's not funny, Kathryn!" I just walked over with my new clothes and soap from my bag and I kissed him on the cheek.

"Seto, it's okay. There's no need for you to be jealous!" His face turned as red as a tomato.

"I-I'm not!" I heard him stutter. "Just don't talk to him!" I laughed more.

"Whatever, Seto. I'm showering." I locked myself in the bathroom and I had my phone on me so he wouldn't go into it and text him to leave me alone. I think Seto would do that if he felt the need to, even though there wasn't even a good reason to do that. 

Seto Kaiba's POV

I walked to the coffee pot to pour myself some of this shitty hotel coffee, then I heard my text tone go off, meaning Mokuba must have texted me back. I opened it up and read it. 

Hey bro. I'll come over later. I woke up with a bad headache so I took some pain reliever. I'm going to lay back down and relax for a little before I stop over.

I didn't reply back so my brother could rest. But I will think on why the hell I didn't like it when she said she was talking to Wheeler! I swear if that dog takes my girlfriend away, then there's going to be consequences. That mutt doesn't deserve to be near her, he would probably treat her like a piece of meat anyway.

I heard my phone ring for a call, and I saw that it was Yugi.

"What do you want, dweeb?"

"Hey, Kaiba. How much longer are you staying in San Francisco?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"I was only asking because apparently Joey saw Raelynn last night. He went to the apartment that her and Kathryn well, used to share together."

"Okay? And?" I hated talking to this dork, I had so much better things to do and worry about rather then my girlfriend's ex- best friend. Yugi then sighed in nervousness.

"Well, Joey told the gang that Raelynn was looking for somewhere to burn things." Shit. I forgot about Raelynn burning her things.

"When Raelynn was here, she threatened to burn Kathryn's things if she wasn't going to duel her to know some sort of truth." I spitted out.

"To be honest Kaiba, Raelynn was burning Kathryn's clothes and other things last night when she came back from California." I stayed silent. "She also said that Kathryn is not welcomed to stay with her at the apartment anymore." 

I groaned, in irritation.

"Yugi, her and I will talk it over. I have to go. She's getting out of the shower right now." I hung up, not the happiest person in the world. I rubbed the temples on my forehead and took a sip of this coffee as I walked over to the desk in our hotel room. I pulled the chair back and I sat,put my coffee on the table, then scooting myself up, pulling out my laptop from my other bag. I open it up and began to do work for my company. I've been stalling on it for too long.

Kathryn's POV

I walk out of the bathroom and I see Seto on the computer. I sighed in disappointment. I guess this is how today is going to be.

Hello readers!

I made Seto more himself in this chapter, thank god. But yes~! This is going to get crazy! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday, I know I did! I'll be working extra hours this upcoming week since I am leaving at the end of the week for vacation :) I will try to update longer, better and more chapters! <3 Thank you guys for reading! I will be doing an author's note the night before I leave for my vacation just so you guys know :)

That Brown Eyed Girl (Seto Kaiba Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon