Raelynn's Day with Joey and the Gang

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Raelynn's POV

I couldn't believe what Kathryn said to me. Leaving with some stranger for a job? Helping some rich, ignorant douche? That doesn't sound like my best friend. I wanted to snap out on her for speaking that way to Joey, but she's smart I guess for just hanging up.

"So, Rae? Are you going to be okay with her going with Kaiba?" The crazy haired shorty Yugi asked. 

"I mean, she said that she was going no matter what. Plus, Kaiba is rich so her payment must be huge. Compared to me I'm sure." I said, answering his question. "Not to mention, who was this single friend you talked about?"

"That was Kaiba sadly. Yugi considers us "friends" with that rich snob." Joey said, rolling his eyes and holding my hand tighter. "To be honest, he does need laid." I laughed. 

"Does he? Well Kathryn doesn't have the greatest luck with guys. Her ex did so much to her and he's literally so terrible. He has contacted her once since we moved here and she refuses to reply to him." I sighed in sadness. "Kathryn was showering this morning and her phone went off. I looked at it and she didn't care. It said her ex's name in the contact wanting to make things better. One of the reasons we moved here was to get away from him, but I needed a different and new atmosphere. She wasn't going to let me go on my own anyway." I chuckled.

"Oh wow. That is a big difference, hence why you guys are from America?" I nodded at Tea's comment.

"Yes, and trust me. It really is different. But, we like it here. I like it here. I got a new job. I got you, Joey. You and your friends are amazing. I don't see myself leaving here soon; or even at all." I smiled. 

We started to walk towards the apartment that Kathryn and I share. We were maybe about 10 minutes away and there was a limo driving passed us. It did look like Kathryn was in it so we rushed to get there quicker. 

Kathryn's POV

"Hey, Roland! I think I saw my friend walking!" I shouted. I saw him shake his head.

"I'm sorry, Miss Wettekin. I can't stop due to the rush that Mr. Kaiba put on us. We need to get to your apartment so you can pack." I just sat against the limo seat and sighed in disappointment.

A few moments later, we got into my driveway and I didn't waste any time. I went into my apartment with Roland behind me. 

"Now, do not follow me into my room. It's going to be a bit, so respect my privacy." He nodded and I rushed into my room and I dialed Rae's number.

"Dude, are you in the limo?" I knew it was here walking.

"Yes, I'm at the apartment now and Roland is in here. He is a bodyguard of Kaiba's. Where are you?" 

"Were almost there. Give us 5 minutes." That sounded relieving.

"Okay, great. I'm going to be packing so hurry so I can actually see you and meet the gang before I go. Roland has to take me back to Kaiba Corp in 10 minutes." I paced around my room impatiently, then there was a knock on my room door.

"Miss Wettekin. You have 10 minutes." 

"Please get here." I whispered then hung up. 

I grabbed my bag from my closet and I started to stuff at least a weeks worth of clothes in the bag. I folded everything so neatly and I made sure I grabbed my phone charger, tooth paste, tooth brush, hair brush, hair and body soap. I also decided to pack a couple pads and tampons just in case. Because a women wouldn't know sometimes. Next thing I know, my door busted open, revealing my best friend.

"Kathryn!" I ran to her and hugged her. I noticed that Joey, the gang and Roland were watching. "I can't believe you're going, dude." She says, tearing up as I rubbed her back.

"It's okay. It does suck but it should only be a week. That's what Kaiba said." She pulled away and looked at me dead in the face with tearfilled eyes.

"You're going to be okay right?" Raelynn sniffled. I nodded with a small smile to ease her.

"Definitely." I winked. She gave me a final hug before Roland speaks.

"Miss Wettekin, Mr. Kaiba is waiting for you. We need to leave now." With so much hesitation, I left my room. I left Rae. I left her boyfriend and new friends. She knew how TERRIBLE I felt.

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