Meeting Pegasus

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Seto's POV

We reached the top of Industrial Illusions and there was Croquet and Pegasus. I landed my jet and I sat there. 

"Seto? We're here now?"Kathryn asked and I nodded.

"Yes, but don't expect Pegasus to be a nice person. He may seem like it, but he's a horrible person." I see him and Croquet approaching my jet so I shut off the engine. "Kathryn, stay in here. I'll be right back." I told her as I was opening the door.

" Why, hello there Kaiba-boy!" I sighed in annoyance.

"Pegasus." I took my last step and landed on my feet, then turned around to face him. "Skip the pleasantries. Where is Mokuba?!" 

"Patience, Kaiba. He is right here!" 

"Seto!" I looked behind him to see my little brother struggling to get out of the bodyguard's grips.

"Mokuba!" I shouted, in unison with Kathryn; who jumped out of the jet. 

"Kathryn! Seto!" Mokuba cried. I ran to him with her and with a snap of Pegasus' fingers, there was a deadly sound by Mokuba's head.

Cocking of a gun. 

"One more move, Kaiba-boy."

Kathryn and I just stopped in our tracks. Mokuba's eyes teared up, Pegasus is a monster. A terrible person, a fucking moron.

"PEGASUS!" I shouted and I turned behind me facing him. "Don't you dare!" I screamed with tears in my eyes. I glanced back at Mokuba who was so damn scared, I felt terrible. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" 

"Easy there, Kaiba." He snaps his fingers again and the gun dropped from Mokuba's head. "I want a duel." 

"A duel? Fine. We can do that. If I win, I-"

"Nope!" He interrupted. "This time, were doing things differently." He chuckled, in which amused me. "That girl." I put Kathryn behind me.

"What about her!?" 

"She's going to join us, hmm? Let's do a team duel! It'll be like a double date!" 

"What? Who would be your partner huh?" Croquet doesn't duel, so I was wondering who it would be.

"Someone that should be familiar to your girl, Kaiba." 

Next thing I know, I see a man walk outside from the building, then Kathryn just shouted,


Kathryn's POV

That man. That terrible man was standing before me. My heart sank.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" I shouted and he laughed.

"Not yet, sweetheart." His tone. His voice. Everything about the sound made me so afraid and I just looked back at Mokuba. The poor soul has no idea what was going on.

"Seto? We have to duel them?" He turned around and replied,

"In order to get my little brother back, yes." He turned back to them and before he turned away, I knew he was infuriated. His brother had a gun to his head and now my rapist father is here. "We're dueling in 2 hours, Pegasus."

"Hey now, since when did you make the rules, Kaiba-boy? You're not the only rich person in this area." I heard Seto scoff and Mokuba then yelled,

"My big brother and Kathryn are going to win! Then we can get out of here!" 

"Not quite, Kaiba Junior." Pegasus said to him, then snapped his fingers. Seto and I both watched as his little brother got taken away. Mokuba's screams and yelps tore at my heart strings. 

When Mokuba was out of sight, Pegasus turned to Seto and I and continued to talk. "Kaiba, Kaiba's girl." We both stared at him, hoping Seto and I can prepare. I don't have a deck. I have no idea how to duel. "We don't have a problem dueling in 2 hours, but we plan on winning; isn't that right, Brian Wettekin?" The sound of his name sent so many shivers down my spine. 

"Yes, and we will." They looked at each other and his eyes stared at mine. I felt so cold and powerless. I just held onto Seto's arm. "When we win, you're coming with me, Kathryn Leeann." I shook my head.

"I'm never going with you!" I spat back. "When we win, Mokuba is coming home with us!" It was bothering me so bad to be breathing in the same general area as him. It felt like my insides were on fire and my body started to shake.

Not an anxiety attack, not right now.

I sighed.

Seto's POV

I noticed Kathryn started to shake; she must have anxiety.

"Deal." Pegasus said sticking his hand out to us for us to shake. I took his hand into a firm tight grip and stared into his eyes. 

"Remind me to burn my hand off." 

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