Beach Dueling

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Previously in That Brown Eyed Girl...

"Kathryn, we're going to the beach tonight after dinner." He demanded. I nodded, only to agree.

"I don't blame you, Seto. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have looked at my phone, even though you were taking your order." He shook his head.

"No, don't apologize." He did seem really upset and it killed me inside.

"How can I not?" I asked him, still with worry in my eyes.

"Because, it's not your place. I was busy." I pressed the button on the side of my phone just turning it off. "You don't have to be sorry, Kathryn. He wrecked you, and he will pay."

Seto's POV

We enjoyed our dinner, even though I could still tell that Kathryn was still uneasy. His ex, David Collier sent her a very unexpected text. 

Kathryn, I see you here. I heard about the duel with your father. I am interested in dueling you with bets, like you and that Kaiba did. Also, let him know that I know about Guzaboro. I know about Kaiba and his past. Not trying to ruin your lovely date, even though you know FOR A FACT that a man like Seto Kaiba is too good for a fat unforgiving bitch like you.

Unforgiving bitch?

I gripped her hand as we began to walk towards my car.

"Are you still bothered by that message?" I asked, feeling like an idiot as I already knew the answer.

"How wouldn't I be bothered?" She shot me a glare, and I must admit that I did deserve that. "He sent me a message before I met Mokuba, saying he wanted to make this work. I didn't reply because I knew it wouldn't work. I'm over him, Seto. I have no idea what his deal is." She said, trying to stay calm but it was clearly failing. I saw her arm shake and I could feel a headache coming.

"We're heading towards Baker Beach. I'm sure a quick duel will will make him know who's boss." I said, with my signature smirk on my lips.

"He does have a powerful deck, filled with fire attributes and pyro." She said quietly.

"Oh, ya? Is his nickname Hotshot or something?" I grunted, saying that was just annoying.

"It was in high school, he was the best duelist there." I gently grabbed her hand and I put both of our hands on my shifter. 

"I won't lose." I said, promising. 

A few moments later, we made it to Baker Beach. We parked on the other side of the lot and the only other vehicle there had a young male about our age in it. I looked at Kathryn and I said,

"It's fine. Don't let that ignorant punk get to you." 

Kathryn's POV

Seto got out of his car and went in the truck to pull out his duel disk, gripped it on his arm, and came over to open my door.

"Seto, I don't have a good feeling about this." I whispered. 

"Don't worry." He kissed my forehead, and he gripped my hand gently as we walked towards  the beach. "Have you ever been to the beach?" He looked out to sea and we saw the sunsetting.

"No, but it is very pretty. I could get used to this." 

"Well, well." His piercing voice pulled my heart strings and Seto noticed my reaction. "How about you turn around so I can see that face." I went to turn around, then Seto stopped me.

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