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Author's POV: (Also they were all 6 years old)

Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste and Luka Couffaine were best friend considering they had to be babysat by Nathalie  the secretary of Emile and Gabriel while there parents were working  ( the secretary for Emile and Gabriel agreste).

When the Agreste , Couffaine ,and Tsurugi family had a meeting to discuss the idea of bringing them together as one big company. At first they were pretty shy and nervous , but after Nathalie played little games to get to know each other they started to come out of there shells. And they even started to tell secrets that they kept from there parents (they did it when Nathalie was not paying attention of when she went to the bathroom).After the meeting was over all three went home with there parents and asked them if they could set up a playdate so all of them could hang out. The parents were very surprised as the children were always shy and never wanted to interact with the other children. As Time when by there  bond was unbreakable, well it was until they met the adorable mouse that is Marinette.

It was when they were all having a sleepover . Kagami was wearing a dragon pajama onesie (it looks like the original suit of the dragon miraculous except there is no mast and no horns it is made out of a silky matiriale. Adrien was wearing a black cat onesie with a sewed on tail , and a hood that had cat ears. Last but not least : Luka had a snake onise (and again it is like snake suit with silk matirel and a long scale covered tail.

Author's POV: (Still 6 years old)

Both Agreste and Couffaine drove in there black limos to the Tsurugi's mansion. Threw the ca ride the boys could barely contain themselves and when they got they got there the two jumped out and a group hug and Adrien said "Oh my god, I missed you guys so much ".As both Luka and Kagami repiled "Same".As the children ran into to the mansion, the parent greated each other with hand shakes and fist bumps .As the adults entered the house and chatted with each other about work and the children playing hero (They all had superhero names for each other , Adrien was cat noir , Luka was Viperion , and Kagami was Ryuko ).When the door bell to the mansion rang, then all three set of parents walked to the gait . When they were ambushed by two pairs of arms , which belonged two Tom and Sabrina Cheng, good friends of all three families. With a friendly voice Tom said: "It's really good to see you again" and Sabrina smiled sweetly and said "We also want to introduce you to someone". As she pulled a cotton candy blue hair sea blue eyed , and snow white skinned 6 year old from behind her legs (she also had her hair tied up in little buns , and also has a sliky multimouse onesie).All three parents awwed at the sight of the child.Sabrina continued with"This is marinette". Emilie squated down to he little girls hight and spoke sweetly "Hello i like you suit"Marinette said thank you while looking down at the blushing from the compliment. And Tom said "Could you please take care of Marinette for the night , we are going to go back to the bakery to make a cake for a wedding. The Kagami's parents happily agreed and Marinette's parents thanked the parents before they gave Marinette a kiss on the forehead and said they loved her after that they got in to there car and drove away.

As Kagami ,Luka , and Adrien were playing superhero they heard : kids and you come here for a minute from Gabrile they all ran down the stairs to see the adorable mouse Marinette.Kagami's mother said "This is Marinette ,Marinette this is Adrien ,Luka ,and Kagami." while she pointing out  them all so she understood who the names belonged to. The children all thought she was cute .And next they all went upstairs while the parents talked in the living room. The kids were wondering what to play, and Marinette in a quiet voice suggested cat and mouse (all of them agenst Marinette ) And to Luka, Adrien and Kagami's surprise she was very hard to catch and when Marinette was the one it was very easy for her to catch them .

And when it was time to go to bed Kagami afford to let Marinette sleep in her bed while she will sleep on the floor and Marinette politely declined the offer and and declining with a  "It's ok ." while smiling sweetly at Kagami  causing  the jet blue haired female to lightly turn pink.  The other 2 males had the same reaction when seeing her smile. And when Marinette fell asleep , Adrien , Luka ,and Kagami watched her adorable sleeping face until they finally closed there eyes and entered the land of sleep. When they got up the next morning, Adrien, Luka ,and Kagami looked tired Marinette being the sweet heart asked them if they were ok and they replied with a; "i'm ok and not long after Tom and Sabrina came to pick up Marinette. And the kids sad to see Marinette go found themselves restless thinking about the jet. And that is how the story begins


They will be teens in the next part ,also I know there are spelling mistakes and I will edit it to fix them I will update again soon and there are 911 words

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