Chapter 25

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Marinette's Pov:

I got all the gems except for some others which I could not find, and in on my way back to earth. But i was also thinking about our conversation while I was in there minds. If I went back with them would they really change or just continue without my knowledge.

That was why on the way home that I kept thinking about if I really should trust them. "Marinette, I can tell you have doubts, and I am equally nervous but we must be strong." Mullo said. I paused for a second before somthing came to my mind.

"Hey Mullo, why do you think they were not surprised by me being in space. Also why did I not feel like they were on earth when I contacted them." I said while thinking of an explanation. Mullo then spoke, "If you did not feel them when they are on earth, they must be in space because no other place in the universe that can support life."

"That must mean, they are were the ones who got the other gems before me." I said with my eyes widened, "We can't assume just yet, maybe if I can get close to them then I can detect it and we can take them." Mullo explained.

"You are right we can't assume just yet, but we have to be careful if they get there hands on mine who knows what could happen."  I said while looking at the bunny watch I got. "Wait this watch cat show the future and past maybe I should see what happens."  "Marinette, sometimes it's best if we don't know what will happen in the future." Mullo explaned while flying to the watch I had in my hand and sitting on it. Because I was only staring at the watch.

"You are right, but I should a least see what they were doing while I was in space." Mullo thankfully agreed without complaints and just sat on my shoulder so she could see it too. I rewinded the watch to the time when the snake gem was gone. It showed that Adrien, Kagami, and Luka got it already. And when I kept going to the Times were the other gems I could not get that dissapeared and they were all taken by them.

So that must mean I have to be careful because if they find mine who knows what will happen. But my thoughts and conversation with Mullo was interrupted by a crash and the house shaking. And found out quickly that we landed on earth while I was very happy about.

When I looked outside I found another mansion next to mine about the same size. But a little darker in color, being curious about who lived in the house I walked next book and rang the doorbell and was surprised when I saw it was kagami.

Author's Pov:

"Marinette, were have you been!!? I was so worried!!" Kagami said tackling marinette in a hug making them fall on the grass in front of the porch. "I'm sorry kagami it's just I thought I was the cause of all the bad stuff happening." Marinette explained leaving out some other things. "Well all that matter is your back now." Kagami said before giving marinette a very passionate kiss on her lips.

When separating from the kiss both went inside and marinette was attacked by 2 pares of strong and long arms which she almost immediately recognized belonged to Luka and Adrien. Both made the same remake of how much they missed her and how worried they were about her being gone.

When going out side so they could move her stuff back inside, but then both the mansion begane to drag near eachother and after 5 minutes a giant white light blinded them and when is started to fade it reveled a 4 story house with lots of Windows.

All walked inside and was amazed at its beauty, all got dressed in some pajamas and walked downstairs but when marinette sat down in the pillow fort she was immediately tackled by all her friends. "Guys come on, what are you doing?" Marinette explained trying to get out of the strong grip her lovers had around her. "Sorry marinette, but we all have alot of cuddling to catch-up on." Luka said which adrien and kagami nodding agreeing with the statement.

Marinette could not help but miss there warm embrace while away.
748 words

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