Chapter 14

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Luka's Pov:

For this whole week I have had a weird feeling that Marinette was planning somthing. After kagami whispered to both me and Adrien that marinette was listening to our conversation but did not know how much she heard.

Me, Kagami, and adrien were discussing how we were going to get rid of rose. Because she hugged my marinette.

Me,adrien, and Kagami threaded everyone in school that if they went near marinette we would kill them or there loved ones. All three of us could tell people told on us to the principle, but they did not believe them because they had no proof of it.

When we were at school it was my turn to kill rose, adrien and kagami would clean up the evidence. Which I was exited for because sometimes it would be hard to clean up the blood from the floor. But sumetimes we only clean up a little so we can add other people's fingerprints so they will be blamed.

Back to marinette, we always do watch her everywhere she goes. And we do notice that she would write something in her a note book which we did not know what. I tried to doo what it was but it was made of her diamonds so they were unbreakable. But hopefully I will get my hands on it someday.

I also have a plan to kill Adrien and Kagami so Marinette will be all mine. But know they both have the same idea , so this will be a real war between all three for Marinette's heart.

Marinette's Pov:

It has been a week since I overheard the conversation between my friends in which I knew running away was the best option for making everything stop. I really just hope running away will be the best option for getting them to stop, and maybe they will fall in love with different people or better yet, each other. And they would forget all about me. But something in my gut told me that was not how this was going to work, but better now then never.

I was finally done with packing my stuff and I was able to earn enough money so I could rent an apartment. I was also able to get a plane ticket for Jamaica which I was excited for. It was night time, so everyone was asleep and would not be able to stop me. I climbed out of my bed room Windows using a flat circle shaped Crystal to get on the ground safely, which I was very thankful for.

When using some Crystal wings to fly near the airport so people would not see me. When a boarding the plain. I felt free, like a hug weight lifted off my chest. I never realized that Luka, Adrien and Kagami was always isolated me away from people. Which I personally thought was there way of caring but really there were isolating me. It was to the point were every time I tried to go with some friends they would sometimes throw a fit so I would stay with then. They would also refuse to take a bath with out me, at first I would refuse but after they get so dirty and stinky I finally agreed and took a bath.

I was so considerate by my train of thought I did not notice we already arrived in Jamaica, when getting out of the plain I arrived at the hotel I was planning on staying for a while until I find the perfect forest I can stay in and just live in the wild but I want to enjoy being in moderate world for little while longer.

When setting everything up in my hotel, fell into the bed and finally I was able to get a good night sleep without feeling 3 pairs of eyes on me.

* Back with Luka, Kagami, and Adrien*

Author's Pov:

"Were is Marinette!?" Adrien shouted at the top of his lungs, while transformed trying to find Marinette. "Guys there is a note on Marinette's bed!!" Kagami shouted from her room, also transformed and holding a note.  When both Luka and Adrien entered the room Kagami started to read the letter out loud.
* what the letter had*

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