Chapter 15

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Marienette's Pov:

I have been at the hotel for about 3 days and I am very happy. Not having to worry about feeling people watch me, but I do have a feeling something bad was going to happen and it was going to be bad.

But I'm just going to brush it off as just getting used to being free of them. But something told me that was not the case, so I gave in, and used my powers to somen mouse ears, tail and claw to claim. And jumped out of the room by the window to ivesagate.

Author's Pov:

While marinette was looking around the hotel she was staying in, Luka, Kagami and Adrien were all on a plane waiting to get to Jamaica and get marinette.

They were able to trake her credit card to the last use of it and pointed to the plain ticket and hotel reservation.

All three were flaming with rage at the escape of Marinette but also had sorrow at the feeling she thought she was the reason for the unfortunate events that have happened. But that was not going to stop them from punishing her sexually and violently.

The three also had made a cover up by saying marinette was going on a trip and they had to do something else so they had to some later. When landing it was also nighttime and they all had to bottle up all the angrier for the situation and wanted to let it all out.

And the only thing that would acually would help relieve there anger would be to kill and they were serging with angrier that they did not care who they killed as long as they were dead by them.

But one person they run into would surely help release the angrier killing a cheating husband.

"Yeah, girl last night felt so good. Your blow kids are so much better than my wife's!" The man told (A/N: I do not want to describe there appearance because I don't want to affend anyone.)

"No, no of course not. My wife and child means nothing to me. Anyway I have to go before I get home see you tomorrow for playtime" the man said before chuckling and hanging up the phone call. That was when all three striked.

First Adrien jumped down in his cat form and grabbed the man by his collar, be for slamming his back into a wall of a near by all still far away for the homes and ears reach.

The man was too in shock for him to notice Adrien's non human like form, with quick thinking of what could get him out free and unharmed "Please don't hurt me, I have a wife and children who need me!"

But that only fueled adrien's feeling of killing him, with out saying anything to him adrien kicked him the stomach so hard,blood can out of his mouth.

Not wanting to let adrien have all the fun, Luka and Kagami jumped down from the rooftop above then watching the whole scene, and also transformed.

"Don't try and act inasint we heard you talk with that lady. And we are hear to punish you." Kagami said while smirking evilly. "I hear by sentence you to death by torture." Luka said then wrapped his snake tail around the man's wrists and proceeded to lift him in the air. That was when kagami and adrien started to torture him. And they loved every second of it.

With Marinette:

Marinette was laying down on her back and practicing her powers by using a giant peace of diamond and forming them into animals. Like snake, Cat, and dragon. But that only made tears flow down her face at the memories of her friends.

For years she was blinded by the love and affection from them,  she did not know that the love they showed was the chains sarounding her heart fooling her to keep her contained in there grasp. And when she finally realized the chains, it was too late.

Finally when the growth of the years she stayed with all three, so did the thickness of the chain. The thicker the chains will be,the harder it will be to get them off. 

When marinette let them grow, stuff at the end of the chains started to appear. And the things at the end were the dead bodies of who she cared about. The bodies were waying her down keeping her in there umbrage. Now that all four were imortal, the bodies would keep on appearing. Adults, wemon, children, babies anyone that get close to her, look at her, even breath near her would soon appear at the end of the chains. Only making it harder and harder to escape for there grasp.

So I don't really know what to say after this. So hope you have a awesome day, love you all. See you next chapter. Bye😁❤❤😘
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