ch. 6

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I woke up really early in the morning. My eyes wouldnt open but I could tell that I was laying down in someone's arms. I tried to move away but realised that I was clinging to them for dear life. I forced my eyes to open and was met with why looked like a guys chest. Tilting my head up slightly, I saw rough, burnt, purple skin. It took me a while but eventually it registered who I was with. I dug my nose into his shirt and took in his scent. He smelled slightly burnt but it was a good burnt. I didn't want to let go of him. It felt........nice? To be in someone's arms like this. My thoughts were cut off by a small grunt. I looked up and was met with beautiful turquoise eyes.


"Morning doll." He smiled

I hugged him tighter and gripped the back of his shirt. I felt the need for something but I didn't know what. A finger lifted my chin up and my red eyes met his turquoise ones. He seemed to be searching my gaze for something. He sat up and pulled me up with him. My body acted on its own and I was seated in his lap, straddling his hips, gripping the back of his shirt.

"Want me that bad huh?" He said jokingly

He lifted my head up to meet his gaze. Again my body acted without thinking and I pulled him into a kiss. I don't know why I did it. I could feel his rough bottom lip and soft top lip. I could feel the edged of his mouth move up in a smirk. I could feel him, but at the same time, I couldn't.

"Dabi...?" I said after pulling away

"You can't feel it can you?" He asked in a concerned tone

I hung my head and shook it side to side. He sighed and hugged me, resting his head on top of mine.

"Dabi, I feel like I should he able to feel something with you, but I don't. Why don't I?"

"I don't know doll. I don't know."

"I don't want to leave."

"What do you mean?"

"I dont want to go home. Or to school. I want to stay here."

He only hummed in response. After a couple more minutes, we got up and went to go join the others in the bar. I was still in Dabi's shirt but I didn't care. Once we were out in the open, I saw shigaraki sitting at the bar. I went over to him and hugged him, gripping at the back of his shirt.

"What are you-?" He didn't have time to finish as I moved away and hugged toga. We were about the same height, maybe I was a little taller. I moved away after a moment and hugged twice and kurogiri, each time receiving confused expressions.

"What's she doing?" Shigaraki asked dabi

"She's getting worse." Dabi sighed. "She doesn't want to go back home."

I walked behind the bar and opened a beer and downed it.

"Ah! Shouldn't you at least have breakfast first?!" Asked a shocked shigaraki

"No." I replied while searching among the shelves for something stronger.

Finaly I found something with a high alcohol percentage and drank it straight from the bottle.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Dabi asked taking the bottle out of my hands.

I tried to get it back but he held it out of my reach. I grumbled under my breath and sat on the floor like a child. Dabi bent down next to me.

"Your trying to take it all away, aren't you?" He whispered

I nodded my head. He sighed and picked me up and sat me on a bar stool. He got a cup out and poured me a glass of vodka.

"This is all you can have before breakfast." He reasoned with me

I nodded as he started making food. He came back with a plate of scrambled eggs and slightly burnt toast. I ate the food and placed my head on the table.

"There, now you can get drunk." He said

"What! No. No. And no. No one's getting drunk at 9 am!" Kurogiri shouted but I was already chugging alcohol.

After a couple more beers and shots of tequila, I had a slight blush on my cheeks. It took a lot to get me drunk, I had an incredibly high alcohol tolerance for my age. I kept at it until I swayed and slurred my words. I was good and drunk now.

"Ayyyy! Dabiiiiiiiiiii!" I yelled. "You, are hoooooooooot! Hahahaha!"

I got up and tried to walk around but stumbled several times.

"Ayyyyyyy! I love your hair." I said very seriously to toga, placing my hands over the buns on her head.

"And you." I pointed to shigaraki. "You look like you could use a fwend." I slurred

I went over to him and looked at 'father' "wow! You have a hand in your face! Soooooo cool!"

I looked at dabi who was sitting beside shigaraki. I climbed up and sat in his lap. I saw his face flush slightly. I took his face in my hands and kissed him. He slightly gasped and I took the opportunity to slip my tounge inside his mouth. He pulled away shortly after.

"Mmm, you taste like burnt toast."

"And you taste like alcohol. Maybe This was a bad idea." He said turning to shigaraki

I hopped off dabi and made my way to sit in shigaraki's lap. I kissed him in the same way.

"Mm, you don't really taste like anything." I said disappointed "Toga! Come here! I wanna know what youuu taste like." I smiled brightly

"Ok!" She happily agreed

"No." Dabi said blocking her way

"But I wanna know what she taste like." I whined

"No." Dabi repeated

I sat on the ground and pouted like a child. Suddenly I had an idea. I stood up and grabbed shigaraki's and Dabi's arm. I dragged them down the hall to the very end and went inside Dabi's room.

"What are you doing?" Dabi questioned

"I'm having fun!" I declared.

I let go of them and closed and locked the door. I looked from shigaraki to dabi and smirked. I walked to shigaraki and pulled his shirt off.

"W-what are you doing?" He stuttered

I did the same to dabi who seemed interested to see where this was going. I smirked at him before pulling both him and shigaraki down so I could whisper in their ears.

"Who wants to have" I whispered seductively

Both their faces heated up and small blue flames appeared on dabi. I smirked at them.

"Should we stop her? She might do something she regrets." Shigaraki said

"Um, ya. Ya. Um ya." Dabi said flustered

Both of them dragged me over to Dabi's bed and sat me down. I looked at them confused.

"We um, we're gonna take a little nap." Shigaraki said

"But I don't wanna do that." I pouted

"What I'm me and handy man sleep with you?" Dabi suggested

"Oh yes! That would be very fun!" I said excitedly.

"Just so you know, the only reason I haven't burnt you to a crisp, is because she seemed to like us both. At least in this state." Dabi hissed while climbing into the bed.

Shigaraki nodded nervously as he climbed in on the other side. He very convienently had his glove things in his pocket. He put them on and layed down with y/n and dabi.

Both the boys had wrapped their arms around me, per my request. I felt so warm. It felt nice.

"Nighty night." I hummed

I drifted off to sleep.

Yup, she's going to have the worst hangover in the history of hangovers...

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