ch 19

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I was walking out of Dabi's room and to the bar when shigaraki appeared in front of me.

"Y/n, I was wondering if you'd be willing to do an updated quirk demonstration for us? Sence, you know." He motioned towards the changes I've gone though.

"Sure. I don't even know what I can do now." I smiled

"Great! Eat some breakfast and then kurogiri will warp you to the training grounds."

I walked to the bar where kurogiri placed a plate of food in front of me. I ate it happily.

"Ready?" He asked when I was done

"Yeah." I nodded my head and he warped us to a really big empty field.

"Hi y/n-chan!" Toga sang

"So y/n, we're basically going to be doing the exact same thing we did last time we assessed your quirk." Shigaraki explained

"Ok. Can I just have a sec first?" I asked wanting to get a feel for my quirk

Shigaraki nodded his head. I stood in the middle of the field. I didn't really know how to do anything but by concentrating on the muscles in my back, I was able to move my wings. It was a really wierd sensation but I got used to it. I moved them faster until I was suspended a couple inches in the air.

'Cool' I thought

I rose higher into the air and practiced controlling how I moved which was just a matter of leaning in the direction I wanted to move. After the battle, Zoro hasn't been around, so I tried to summon him. I focused on my quirk and used the shadows of the surrounding trees. I manipulated them until I formed a wolf like shape. Suddenly, my vision went blurry and then I couldn't see anything. But it was like I could still see, just without my sight. I knew exactly what the league was doing by their sound. I deactivated my quirk and I could see again. The whole league was staring at me with wide eyes. I let myself land on the ground and looked at them with confusion.


"You don't know what just happened?" Dabi asked shocked

"I couldn't see. What happened?"

"Well you were hovering in the air when all the shadows started gathering beneath you. Then your eyes went solid and started glowing red like when you were fighting all might." Dabi said

"And then the shadows started to swirl around and they surrounded your body. It looked dangerously beautiful." Toga chimed in

"What...?!" I was confused

"What did you mean you couldn't see?" Shigaraki asked

"About when I was manipulating the shadows, my vision blurred and I couldn't see anything, but I knew exactly what was happening because I could hear it."

"Hear it?" Dabi questioned

"Yes. It was like I could see everything but without the visual. It's hard to explain."

"Well, that is certainly different then last time. Are you ready to have your quirk reassessed?" Shigaraki asked

I nodded my head and backed into the middle of the field. The others backed away to the edge of the area and toga stepped forward. She took out her knives. I noticed they were her six-inch daggers with gold laced around the handle. They were her prized possession and her sharpest set of weapons. She almost never used them except when she was serious about murdering someone, not just to watch their blood spill, but to make sure there was no chance of survival. To get it done fast and without blood spill to keep the daggers clean. It was the only time toga made a clean kill, and it was only clean because the blades were laced with a deadly poison.

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