ch 17

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The door was smashed open and the wall on the opposite side of the room was broken. In less then a second. I was restrained and couldn't move. I looked around and saw that the rest of the league was in the same predicament. Turning my head around further.......I saw.....................




All might was leading the rescue party. A lot of other heros were there too. He caught my eye and I sent him the coldest glare. Zoro came out from around the corner and the heroes immediately tried to restrain him but they couldn't because he's a shadow. Zoro bit the wood restraining me and it splintered into multiple pieces. I glared at all the heros with blood red eyes.

Suddenly, a dark, sticky, liquid started to surround Bakugo. I stared as he began being swallowed by the liquid. The same thing was happening to the rest of the league and then myself. The darkness took over and when I opened my eyes, I was in an area next to a big factory. There were some other heroes there.

I saw a tall man with many tubes and such around his body. He had no eyes but seemed to be looking at shigaraki.

"Master." Shigaraki said his eyes going wide.

"Shigaraki, where is the symbol of peace?"


"I am here!" All might announced as he showed up suddenly on scene

His eyes held hostility as he glared at the eye-less figure. The man continued to look at shigaraki.

"Take your prize and leave." He glanced at Bakugo

"Who's that?" I whispered to shigaraki

"Master, all for one." He whispered back and turned to face Bakugo

Bakugo started making explosions in his palms and was surrounded.

"BAKUGO!!!" I looked up and saw a giant ice wall and kirishima yelling to Bakugo to grab his hand.

Bakugo smirked and made a large explosion propelling himself into the air and grabbed kirishima's hand. With Bakugo out of the way, all might sent an attack at all for one. Both were blown back and creating a large circle around them.

All might was panting while one for all blocked the attack. The league was trying to get out of the range of the attacks. I had such a rage for my father. Another attack by all might sent debris at me. I couldn't move. Suddenly there was a figure in front of me. The rocks hit him and when the dust cleared, I saw the familiar raven hair and scared skin. Dabi lay unconscious and bloody on the ground, multiple broken bones.

I collapsed next to him and didn't even know I was screaming until I couldn't anymore. The fighting paused and all might looked over at me. Tears streamed down my face. Sadness was overtaken by blind rage.

"You did this." I said to my father


"Who else would I be?"


"You hurt him."

"Your a villain."

"You hurt him!"

His face showed confusion. The league was staring at me in my rage. I stared at all might, fury in my red eyes.

"Leave y/n. I don't want to hurt you." All might said

"Well that's to bad because now I really want to kill you." I smiled creepily

"This isn't your fight."

into the shadows [a bnha story]Where stories live. Discover now