ch. 21

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Nothing out of the ordinary has really happened. Y/n and dabi started dating. A couple missions have been completed. Y/n is the most wanted criminal in Japan for defeating the symbol of peace. Dabi and y/n had sex twice more. (Yes this is important)

Everything was going great and everyone was happy, that was....

....until y/n missed her period.

For anyone who skipped the smut, this is the only really important part that you missed. And the story continues about 1 year later.


Y/n POV:

I was in the bathroom slightly panicking. I was supposed to start my period yesterday  but I didn't. Mayby it's just a little late. I reassured myself.

A week later and my period still hasn't started. I was panicking now. I left mine and Dabi's room and speed walked to toga's. I opened the door to see toga sharpening her knives and twice reading a book.

"Twice out!" I yelled at him

"Aww, but I was just getting to the good part." He whined

I activated my quirk and spread my wings. He squieled and ran out of the room. I folded my wings and deactivated my quirk. Sighing, I closed and locked the door and sat on toga's bed.

"Someone's on her period." Toga said jokingly

"But I'm not and that's the problem." I looked at her

"When were you supposed to start?"

"Last week."

"Is there any chance that you could be pregnate?" She asked

"I don't know. Dabi always used protection." I sighed

"Here, I'll go to the store and get you a test and we'll find out."

I nodded and toga grabbed her money and left to go to the store.

Fifteen minutes later, she came back and handed me a box with three pregnancy tests inside. I went to the bathroom and took the test following the instructions on the box.

There was a baring on the door. "Y/n? Are you ok?" Dabi asked

"I'm fine! I'll be out in a minute!" I answered

After waiting the right amount of time, I looked at the test. There were two lines in the little window. My breath caught in my throat at the fact that I am indeed pregnate. I put the test in my pocket and opened the door to come face to face with dabi. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"Sorry, I really need to go talk to toga now." I rushed passed him

I got to toga's room and slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Well?" She asked curiously

I showed her the positive test and she started to squeal happily. She hugged me and gave me the biggest smile.

"Oh my gosh you need to tell everyone!"

"Right...ok let's go."

We walked out into the main bar area and everyone was there.

"Shut up everyone y/n has something to tell you!" Toga yelled

Imediatly, everyone turned their head to look at us.

"Did you have to do that?!" I hissed at her

"What's wrong y/n?" Dabi asked as he walked up to me.

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