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Rarity's POV ---

Time: Tuesday/ 4:00 PM

"Look, Rarity I appreciate that you want to do my hair. I really do, but could it not be this evening?" Applejack said scratching the back of her neck

"Well, I could.. but I cannot sit here and stare at you for another second and fight the urge to let it just sit there. Hm... I tell you what, I won't do much, just style it a bit, be at my house 5:00 sharp."

"But, Rares-" Applejack started

"No buts, think of it as a late birthday present- well early one, anyways ta-ta darling!" I cut her off before heading in the direction of my car which was parked to the side of the school in the school's driveway.

Applejack and I would normally be the last of us seven to make it out to the parking lot to say our goodbyes, but today was different, I had offered to do her hair, though Applejack was no pig, she did wash her hair and whatnot, but as long as I've known her, she has always worn it in its normal long style with a red band to tie the end and a bit of hair hanging from under her hat, I know Applejack has her own style, just as anyone should, so I was going to give her a hairstyle she will absolutely adore.

Once in my car, I turn the key in the ignition and check my phone. My lock screen was me and Sweetie bell for her 11 birthday, cake smeared over out face with a large smile stretched over them. After opening my phone, I had a few messages in the group chat me and the girls were in.

New Message(s): 3

Pinkie: "I know its only Tuesday, but..."

Fluttershy: "Let me guess, you're bored aren't you?"

Pinkie: "Aww you know me so well, anyways! How about a sleepover this weekend?! That is if you guys are ok with it 😁."

Rainbow: "I'll check in with the folks but other than that, you can count on me to be there.

Sunset: "Yeah, I don't see why not."

Fluttershy: " I'd have to ask my mom about it but sure!"

Twilight: "I'm in too! Applejack, Rarity?"

Applejack: "Depends on how work is on the farm, but other then that, I'd be happy to come!"

Rarity: "I wouldn't dare miss an opportunity to spend time with my favorite girls."

Pinkie: "Then it's settled, sleepover at my place this Friday!"

Sunset: "Sounds like a plan!"

I turned off my phone and set it into my purse and began to drive home.

After a 5 or so minute drive, arriving home was quieter than normal, I used my key in my back pocket and open the door, peeping my head through. To my surprise the house was empty and the lights were turned off.

"Hello?! Sweetie Belle!? Mother?" I turn on the lights and make my way into the kitchen.

As I open the refrigerator door and see a yellow sticky note on the handle.

"Out to your sister's play, be back at 7:00."

Oh heavens, how could I have possibly forgotten Sweetie Belle's play, what kind of older sister am I? No need to fret maybe they'll think I had no idea about it in the first place.

I open my phone and check the time. 4:30, meaning I still have time to work on one of my dresses until Applejack was coming

Time Skip--

Around forty-five minutes later, I hear the doorbell ring twice.


I put down the needle and headed downstairs to the front door, only to be greeted with Applejack with a wholehearted smile.

"Applejack darling, so glad you could make it." I beamed clasping my hands together

"No problem, I'da been here sooner but Applebloom had a play."

"You knew about it too?! Was I the only one not in the know about it?!" I squealed.

"I've mentioned it a dozen times, even Rainbow Dash heard about it." Applejack stated bluntly.

"If you're here at 5:15, explain why my mother and Sweetie Belle won't be back til 7:00."

"Wow, you really need to pay more attention to things, you do know that the school was taking the kids to eat at Sugercube Corner, right Rares?" Applejack raised an eyebrow.

I paused for a moment looking down bitting my lip anxiously.

"Oh Applejack. I would've never made you come so urgently if I knew you'd be eating at Sugercube Corner with Applebloom right now. I shouldn't have forced you here. I'm terribly sorry darling." I said frowning and furrowing my brows.

"Don't worry your little head about it, I recorded most and the play, and plus I made sure that Applebloom grabbed me a piece of cake, which I'd be happy to share with you since you are doing ma hair and all."

"Aw, thank you Applejack. Well, we shall not spend more of our precious time, we've got time we've got hair to fix."

I dragged Applejack into the house, closed the door, and headed for my bedroom upstairs.

"I really appreciate y'all doing my hair, but what exactly are you gonna do?" Applejack questioned walking behind me going up the stairs.

"Seriously, darling don't you trust me, besides it, won't be that bad... well unless you tell me you're not afraid of braids." I snickered

Applejack cringed and winced at my idea. If you asked me, I love doing things like this, pushing her out of her basic comfort zone, but if she wasn't such a good test subject, I wouldn't even dream of doing this. Maybe it is her southern style that makes her attrac- wait not attractive she couldn't be attractive, I'm straight, I shouldn't even be conjuring such a thought. She's my best friend, I style all of my friends she no different she's-

"RARITY!" Applejack screamed out.

"Sorry, darling, ahem, what were you saying?" I asked sheepishly

"I was asking if it's alright if I set my hat on your bed before y'all spaced out on me." Applejack said with a stern tone of voice

"Apologies again, and yes, do whatever makes you comfortable."

A large smile grew on Applejack's face as she laid her hat down on the bed.

"Why are you looking at me like that...?" I questioned her with a raised  eyebrow

"Well, Rares as long I've known you, you only space out like that when you're thinking about someone." Applejack grinned ear to ear

"WHAT?! How could you possibly make such an abrupt accusation!?"

"I've known you since 3rd grade, I think I would know you and more importantly when y'all have a crush."

I cheeks turned into a bright shade of red and I became quite flustered, to say the least.

"Okay, so who is it?" Applejack's grinned had refused to leave her face causing me to blush more and become bright red.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding "Applejack, I refuse to have this conversation with you, no matter how long I've known you. Well, we don't have much time to waste so let's get started."

A Farmer's Diamond (A Rarijack Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now