Chapter 3 - Breakfast

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Applejack's POV---

Time: Wednesday/ 7:00 AM

We still had a good hour before the late bell would ring so until then, the girls and I would normally hang in the large cafeteria and the same table every day, So far it was only me, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.

"And then BOOM, I socked him right in the face, you should've seen it!" Rainbow Dash threw her fist in the air telling her tall tale.

"Dashie, though I appreciate your stories, don't you think that they're a bit dramatic and extreme," Fluttershy said, her voice was low and calm but we can make out what she was saying.

"When is something ever NOT dramatic or extreme with a story from Rainbow Dash." I huffed rolling ma eyes.

"Somebody gets it, I mean come on Flutters, Would I ever bore you?" Rainbow Dash smirked.

Today Rainbow sported a blue CHS hoodie, light grey jeans ripped at both knees with green Vans, and Fluttershy wore a light green butterfly hair clip, an oversized pink sweater that had the shoulder area cut out and the wrist part of it hung lower than the rest of the outfit. Paired with white jeans with blue and yellow flowers over them with light blue short boots, that resembled the lunch bag she had in hand.

Today, I was hoping to impress Rarity in some form, and I was gonna have to do it with clothes, knowing her. I didn't wanna be obvious so I wore a red sweater which exposed the tops of my shoulders, with oval cut out by the neckline with an apple pattern shown all over. I also had my belt styled to resemble an apple and light grey jeans with lines, dots, and zigzags flowing throughout the pants from top to bottom and some short cowgirl boots.

"You're dressed fairly differently today, Applejack, got something planned?" Fluttershy asked with a sweet smile.

"Yeah what's with that?" Rainbow Dash asked, spinning an orange on the table.

"Thanks for taking note, me and Rarity were planning on eating at that new Chinese place downtown."

"Oh, I see so it's like a date?" Fluttershy asked

"No! Rares and I aren't dating, it's just a casual little get together is all." I said blushing a bright red.

"Well it might as well be a date, besides, I could totally see it between you two," Rainbow said, pointing a finger at me.

"You can?! I mean, what exactly do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Exactly what I said, you and Rarity obviously flirt, you even call her 'princess' from time to time, heck you guys even hug more than a married couple." Rainbow Dash said, annoyed.

"First off, I only call her 'princess' to mock her like how she calls me 'hillbilly', it's not flirting in any way shape or form, and we don't hug more than you and Fluttershy." A said teasingly.

Rainbow Dash burst into the brightest shade of red.

"N-not true, besides you and Rarity have other nicknames for each other as she calls you 'Jackie' and you call her 'Rares' and that's not mocking each other," Rainbow said defensively.

"Well, you and Fluttershy do the same! I've never called you 'Dashie' and neither have I ever called her 'Flutters'! I rebutted.

Now Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were bright colors of pinks in the face.

"He,y guys! Sorry, we're late, I and Pinkie had to turn in some work in early." Sunset shimmer came in and so did Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah! If we turn it in early we won't be working on it in class so basically, it's a free day, like a party but like in class!" Pinkie jumped.

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