Chapter 2 - I think I should go now

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Rarity's POV--

Time: Tuesday/ 7:58 PM

While escorting Applejack out, my mother and Sweetie Belle were standing in the doorway.

"Sorry we came back so late Rarity would've been there sooner if that darn teacher of Sweetie Belle wasn't so nice to us and-"

My mother turned her head and stop almost the second she saw me and Applejack's arms linked together.

"Uh, Miss Pearl! So great to finally meet you, wasn't hoping I'd meet you like this, but it sure is a pleasure to see you." Applejack shook my mother's hand as if she was a lion's prey being stared daggers at. My mother didn't say a word, so I supposed I'd have to intervene.

"Mother! So glad you came back, this here is my friend, Applejack, you've heard of her right? In fact, this is Applebloom's older sister! I suppose you two didn't see each other at the play?" I was sweating to the point where I was weak at the knees.

"Nonsense! I'm just teasing you, dearie, I've heard plenty about you, Applejack, I was wondering who the bright red truck belonged to." A wave a relief hit knowing my mother wasn't upset about Applejack's appearance after 7 o'clock.

"Well, I think I ought to be headed out, it is after curfew and all, it was a mighty fine pleasure meeting you Miss Pearl."

Sweetie Belle and my mother moved back so Applejack could get through, she tipped up her hat to them and moved past them and walked down the stairs to the patio.

"You should've seen it Rarity, the writing was just wonderful!" My mother walked in and then I realized that Sweetie Belle had a to-go bag from Sugercube Corner.

"I did save you a cake because you know, you ARE my sister, it's not like I would do that to you."

"Sweetie, I'm sorry I couldn't physically be there but I did love your role in the play, in fact, I don't know anyone who could play it better."

I brought her in an embrace taking the bag out of her hand.

"Also thank you for this uhh.."

"Don't worry sis, I got you your favorite, A classic vanilla with purple icing with those candy gems, that you only like because mom forced me to give you some."

I giggled at Sweetie Belle's response. My mother set her purse on the island counter next to the sink.

"I'll make a quick dinner, hopefully, I'll be done at 8:30, you girls go take a bath, brush your teeth, and whatnot."

Time skip --------

Time: Tuesday/ 8:45 PM

About halfway through dinner and Dad still hadn't come home yet.

"Sometimes I wish I'd see him before he goes to work, I don't like knowing when or not he'll be here sometimes." Sweetie huffed, look at her plate as if she was scared to eat any more without our dad.

"Fear not sis, I'm sure he's bound to show up any minute by now." Though I was aware Sweetie Belle was fully sure that sentence wasn't as believable as she would want it to be, I knew I still had to cheer her up.

"Rarity, be completely honest with me about something, dearie." My mother said spinning the spaghetti noodles with the tip of her fork.

"Yes ma'am?" I straightened my posture.

"You and this Applejack character, are you seeing each other." My mother smirked.

"Mother?!" I turned a furious shade of red.

"Fine, don't answer." My mother smirked before putting the fork of spaghetti in her mouth

"Applejack and I aren't dating, never were," I said with an angered expression, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Ah, but you wish you were?" My mother said lifting a glass of water yo her lips.

"No.. Mother, never saw her as more then a friend, and hopefully never will." I said finishing my plate.

"If you say so.." She had a smirk and her eyesbrows raised

As if on cue my father walked in looking beat and tired.

"Dad! What took you so long?!" Sweetie Belle jumped

"Sorry girls, the boss had me running a longer shift then I expected, How was the play?"

"HE knows too?!"

My mother patted my back as I could almost feel a vein showing from my forehead.

"Any how, I'm going to bed." I said standing up taking my plate and empty glass with me.

"Don't you wanna stay and talk to dad?" Sweetie Belle asked with her eyebrows raised

"I'd love to Sweetie Belle but it's already past 8:40, A girl needs her beauty sleep, especially at a young age." I scraped anything extra off the plate into the trash can, and placed the dishes into the sink. I turned around and headed upstairs.

"Goodnight sis!" Sweetie beemed

I sighed and turned to her.

"Goodnight, Sweetie." I smiled back at her before heading to my room.

Time skip --------

Time: Wednesday/ 6:30 AM


I slammed my hand over my alarm and tossed and turned over the sheets trying to fight the commonly use "Five more minutes" phrase. I heard my door open, as I let out a loud tired groan.

"Wake up, sleepy head. Mom doesn't want you to be late, we both know how long it takes for you to get dressed."

I heard the door close again while I tried to sit up, feeling the sun hit my face. After brushing my teeth, my hair, and freshening up, it was time for my outfit. Not only is it me and Fluttershy's weekly spa date, but me and Applejack were eating out- *A/n (each other 🤣)* at a Chinese restaurant, this needed to look good. I made a mental note to myself.

After picking it out, I was wearing black heels, with a blue dress with white trimmed at every opening with a white slim throw-over sweater, it was fairly not much for an outfit, at least not for me.

I grabbed my bookbag, purse, and headed downstairs and went for the front door.

"Forgetting something?" My mother said behind me from the kitchen.

I turned around and saw she had my lunch bag in her hand with the strap sitting on her index and middle finger.

"Sorry mother, I must've forgot. I have quite the schedule today." I grabbed the lunch.

"How so?" My mother said stopping me once again.

"Twilight and me have a project on Star Swirl The Bearded, Today's my weekly spa date with Fluttershy, and Applejack and I are eating at that new Chinese place downtown PF Changs I think." I said grabbing the doorknob again

"A date?" My mother said mockingly.

I didn't have the patience with her mocking me about this the second time, I walked out the door and shut it behind me.

Today's gonna be a long day...

(A/N) Sorry for the longer chapter, most of the newer chapters might be this long, this is a story I feel like I'm gonna end devoting writing it for you guys, Next Chapter coming out before next week, so be on the look out for that.

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