Chapter 7 - Parties and Sleepovers

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Rarity's POV---

Time: Friday/ 6:34 PM

Since Pinkie Pie's patience was as short as a 4-year-old, she invited all of us for a movie night before the sleepover this weekend. Applejack and I hadn't talked since the day at the beach and hadn't told the girls about the kiss yet, so it was fairly quiet between us.

"I still can't believe THIS is your favorite Disney movie, Aladin was way better!" Rainbow yelled while the movie played.

"I like the music in it, "Friends on the other side" is my favorite," Fluttershy replied a lot more calmly than her partner.

"Okay fine, if you like this then I'll watch the rest, but if you start singing this movie is over." Rainbow Dash waved a finger.

Sunset, Pinkie, and Twilight were on the couch talking to each other about their favorite Disney movies as well.

" look nice today." Applejack said scratching the back of her head, even without trying she couldn't be more adorable.

"Aw, I could say the same for you." I chuckled. I had a red cup on the table and went to go grab it.

"Uh, Rares you spilled your drink..." I heard A.J say.

"Huh?" I turned back to the cup realizing I did spill it, I could've sworn it was farther away.

"Yeah, your hand was shaking and everything! You look like a malfunctioning robot!" Pinkie Pie said.

"What she means to say is are you ok?" Applejack rested a concerned hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring glance.

"Yes, darling, I'm ok I just need to wash up a bit, I'm probably just a bit too excited from hanging with all of you guys." I placed my hand on hers, something has definitely gotten me a bit too chipper today

Applejack's POV---

Rarity gave me a comforting smile before getting up to head to the bathroom.

"She's pretty isn't she?" Sunset asked me, laying her head on her arm.

"Uh, yeah sure, she's pretty." My face started to heat up, I don't know if I should tell them or not, Rarity didn't say if I and she were anything yet, and she didn't mention if it was okay for our friends to know about our kiss last night.

"So... where were you yesterday?" Pinkie Pie asked. Everyone in the room was staring at me

"At the farm working, as I normally do." Rarity came out of the bathroom taking back her seat next to me.

"You two weren't together yesterday were you?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah! Get this, Rarity decided to help me on the farm." Their reaction was more nonchalant than I expected.

"Well, we thought you guys were at the beach?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I go to the beach after work, and since Rarity joined me at work, I thought it would only be fair to invite her," I answered truthfully.

"How do you all know that we were at the beach?" Rarity asked. Everyone looked at one another then back at us.

"Well, according to a little birdy, you two didn't just sit at the beach." Twilight smiled.

I guess they caught us, but I didn't tell anyone about it except for-

"Apple Bloom...," I said between my teeth.

"You told Apple Bloom!" Rarity yelled. I wouldn't have told anyone if I knew it would make Rarity's blood boil.

"She's eleven, she was bound to tell someone!" Rarity continued, her face was red from embarrassment.

A Farmer's Diamond (A Rarijack Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now