Chapter 8 - Hold My Hand?

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Rainbow Dash's POV ---

Time: Sunday/ 7:37 AM

The other girls went out to grab donuts and left me and Rarity here until they come back. I took it upon myself to help out Pinkie a bit by cleaning the room while they're gone, so I was sweeping the floor whistling a melody while I finish up.

"You got a minute?" I looked up to see Rarity leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, looking at me.

"Give me a sec." I pushed all of the trash and put it on the dustpan, and opened the trashcan in the corner of the room and dumped it in there, I then put the dustpan and broom down.

"Ok, all done. Whatcha need?" I sat down on the bed, leaving space for her beside me.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted to know what happened last night." She got up from the door and sat down to the left of me, facing me with one of her legs on the bed.

"Sure, I'd like to know, but if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to," I told her, I didn't want Rarity to feel like she's obligated to give me an explanation. Last night she and AJ got a bit loud last night and woke me up, I don't know exactly what was said but whatever it was, it made AJ cry, something that doesn't come to often.

"I just need someone to talk to about all of this." She smiled half-heartedly. It is nice to know Rarity is okay with talking to me about anything, but seeing her unhappy like this wasn't something I was comfortable seeing, it's a bit odd to see someone who's normally chipper and bright, looking upset.

"Last night, I had an...episode. It was one o'clock in the morning, I didn't know she would come and talk to me." She put a hand over her chest.

"And..?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"...She started to ask about us, and I was getting upset and just completely out of it and, and I-" Rarity started to break down and her voice was shaking and she started to sulk. I grabbed her with my left hand and pulled her into an embrace, wrapping my other arm around her.

"Shh Shh, It's ok... just take your time," I said in a hushed voice and laying my head on hers, she had her hands over her mouth.

"What did you do?" I started to rub her back trying to calm her down.

"I told her about not wanting to succumb to different sexuality, she started talking about gender has nothing to do about a person and... I just went off on her... I told her that maybe it's her I didn't like." She explained.

"Did you really mean that?" I questioned her in a jokingly matter.

She sniffled, "No..." she said.

"Then tell her that. Rarity, if she makes you happy, don't hold back. Happiness isn't race, gender, or anything else like that. If you like her, then you like her. This isn't a choice, it's not apart of who YOU are, it doesn't change anything. You're still the Rarity I know and love, that's all that matters." She pulled away and stared at the closet, facing the other way.

"I know it's hard to grasp, I didn't want to admit it before I met Spitfire, especially after Soarin, but Rarity, whatever way you do this journey I'll hold your hand throughout it. Whatever way you end up on the other side, I'll be there. I wouldn't let go for a second." I placed my hand on hers.

She turned around and wrapped her arms around me.

"You really mean that?" She asked with a sniffled

I kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer to me, slightly rocking us back and forward. Rarity doesn't need to feel like this, she isn't alone, and as long as I'm around, she'll never be.

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