Chapter 17 - Just a Click Away

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And remember kids to always buckle up, this ride has about as many cracks as your uncle paul.

Rarity's POV---

I stared in the mirror waiting for something, maybe a smile, a flicker of a tear, or maybe even a sign of happiness. No, I had nothing. Nothing to contribute to me.

I looked beside me and stared at that dress I made the night after the incident, a lovely blue dress that sparkled so much it could be seen in the pitch black, If only my best work wasn't pushed out of despair.

My cold feet dragged across the wooden floor as I reached a hand out to the dress and rubbed it against the fabric. 

This may be the one thing that can never change...


It clicked back to me, that night I got a card. I reached on my bureau and read the bright blue sparkly card 'Teen Startup' and the contact info. 

I opened my laptop and began to search up the website, "A new beginning for beginners." 

A fresh new start huh?

Minutes after logging in, my phone started buzzing.

I picked up, "Hello?"

"Hi! Is this Rarity from Canterlot High School?" The friendly chipper voice asked behind the phone.

"Yes, that would be me."

"Great! My name's Coco Pommel from the Teen Startup program here at Photo Finish's Manhatten Boutique, she's actually taken quite the liking to the designs you submitted through the competition."

My face turned pink, "Oh, o-of course! It's an absolute honor coming from her. So when will I be starting my internship here?"

"The plane is taking off to Manhatten Tuesday at Canterlot Airlines. You'll have to sort out your apartment you'll be staying in, the program covers the place and some extra expenses depending on how long your stay is. We will be informing your parents and your school that you have signed up for the program."

"Okay, so how long will this be an internship before I start getting paid?" I asked 

"After you're there for the first three weeks Teen Startup will stop covering for your expenses and Photo Finish will start paying you for your work if she sees fit."

I chuckled, "Seems like a lot of money from Teen Startup to do all this, how do they have the money to pay for the plane, the food, and the apartment?"

"You will be sharing the apartment with three others..."

Well great...

"And for the boss and his money? He dreamt of something so far out of his reach when he was a kid, wishing that there was a way to start his career, and soon he realized he wasn't the only one. After he got his business, he planned to change that for everyone."

"Big heart and big pockets, huh?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, he is, anyway if there are any more questions you have, please feel free to look on our website or contact me."

"Certainly, and thanks again for helping me."

"You're very welcome."

I hung up and looked at my phone, I could call her.

After last night, I owe it to her. 

Before I can feel my own fingers, I began to subconsciously dial the number, I should've tried forgetting it.

It rang and rang, and my heart skipped a beat the second I heard the sound of her picking up the phone.


I took a small short sharp breath. "I'm coming over." I slammed my finger to hang up. I knew I didn't sound as pose as I liked to, judging by the faint tear on my phone. I looked up to the ceiling.

Applejack POV--

She hung up before I even got a chance to reply. 

I shook the thought and continued raking the field, the summer heat burning my back through my red opened button-up and training bra. The heat was making my head hurt

"You know, someone promised me that you'd do right by me?"

I turned to the voice and Rarity was leaning on her car. She looked flustered after I turned around and turned to the ground blushing. "I guess they were wrong..." She said deadpan. She was wearing big blue shades, a sun hat, a white tee tied at the bottom, jean shorts, and flip flops.

ᵍᵃʸ ᵖᵃⁿᶦᶜ

I bit my lip. "So then, why are ya here?" I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"Because despite all that happened, I wanted to apologize to you." She scratched her arm and folded her lips.


"And, I thought that maybe what happened last night didn't need to happen." Rarity started.


"I may be said somethings that night that didn't need to be said." She clenched the purse in her hands

"Just last night?" I asked putting a hand on my hip in annoyance. 

"Okay, perhaps I may have said somethings to you and done somethings to you that you didn't deserve." I scoffed at her.

"What?" She asked.

I turned and continued raking, "You told me that you were still reconsidering our relationship after shaking me half to death on a Ferris wheel ride."


"You told me that I was below your standards."

"When did I ever say-"

"And worst of all, you told me that I could just be your sex toy for when you needed it and you just didn't like me." I finished.

I turned to Rarity and she started to cry. "I'm sorry that I said all of that to you." Her voice shook.

"But that isn't a valid excuse for sleep with someone else. We could've talked about it, rekindle. You can't tell me you don't miss it when I'd tell you I was cold and you'd wrap your arms around me, or when you kissed me goodbye, or when you would get all flustered all over again." She poured out.

"That may sound like a fairytale to you, but it turned into a living nightmare for me." I breathed out the heavy air in my lungs, I felt dirty and wrong for what I said, but she needed to hear that.

She got in her car and I ran up to the porch to retrieve an item. "Oh, and Rares?"

She sniffled and whipped her nose in an unladylike matter, "Yeah?"

"I thought you may want this." I handed her the brown satchel with an apple sewed into it that she gave me, I was sad to see both of those go, but it didn't have as much value as it use to.

She held it in her hands and nearly smiled before the thoughts flooded her mind again and she sat it in the seat next to her before pulling off and driving away with the dust kicking up from behind the car. 

I hung my hat on the railing of the porch stairs, took my hair out of the ponytail holder, and walked upstairs.

That may have been the last time I'd ever talk to Rarity.

A Farmer's Diamond (A Rarijack Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now