Chapter 15 - Sketchy

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A/N: So, you guys remember that scene on the beach where Applejack says something like "I didn't know you could sing."? Yeah, I realized that was pointless because they are IN A BAND TOGETHER, and that fact is brought up later and I do not feel like deleting a whole scene, anyway, enjoy!

Rarity's POV---

Time: Wednesday/3:45 PM

It was one of those days, those days you shut yourself in a room and be productive, and being productive couldn't be more boring.

I need this, just a simple mind cleanse from reality and what or who may be outside my door. I had spent hours working on the dress I offered to make Fluttershy.

Everyone has a place where they feel the most tranquil, and yes, I'm aware that the buzzing noise of a sewing machine couldn't possibly be where anyone can find peace, so It's something I'm glad I have to myself.

But those annoying, pestering thoughts would come back. Is she thinking about me? Is she with her right now? She probably wouldn't want to think of me either. I can't see why.

And then, all my hard work goes down the drain again and telling yourself to stop just makes it worst.

Now, this isn't my first, and probably not the last time, I've been this way. In fact, looking at everything that happened, I can't wrap my head around why this was any different.

Why she was different.

She was a woman? Yes, but at the end of the day that wasn't a big concern. She was a friend? A close friend, but they played no difference to me.

I'd occasionally leave the room for a cup of tea, some more fabrics in my room, or just conversate with my family.

I feel calm, honestly, but I could also feel the all too noticeable tiredness washing over me, and right when I thought today was going to continue uninterrupted.

Knock. Knock. Knock...

I slammed my head against the table. "Come in!" I cheerfully said through the door. The door slowly opened and as soon as I saw the rainbow hair, I turned back to the dress.

"Rainbow, odd seeing you today." I greeted with a drop and rise in my voice as I slowly heard the door shut close.


"I'm just working on Fluttershy's dress for her birthday, how do you like it so far?" I asked before looking up and Rainbow Dash who, strangely, looked nervous.

"Rainbow, dear, is everything alright?" I asked as my voice filled with worry.

"Oh! Um, I need a... DRESS, yes a dress! For Fluttershy's birthday party." Rainbow perked up as if she just realized why she was here.

"Sure! Though I'm a bit confused about why you didn't ask earlier, I'll do it for you. Skeptical, I grabbed my sketchbook and pencil. "Okay, let's get started. Is there anything you specifically want in this dress?"

Rainbow stared at me wide-eyed, "Apples." She stated flatly.

Well, there goes all my hard work.

I blink a few times. "I-I beg your pardon?" I asked, trying to ignore the burning vein from my forehead.

Rainbow smirked at my demise, "You heard me." She glared.

I closed my mouth that I hadn't realized I left open and wrote the note in my sketchbook.


Rainbow growled under her breath, "Oh shut up I'm only doing this because you want to break her back." She whispered.

I wiped my head around, "W-What?" I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, uh, nothing, just... talking to myself."

"Okay... do you have any colors your want, I think a bit of gold will go great with your rainbow-"



"Green and purple?" I asked, terrified of what she'd say.

"Nope, I have a friend with bright green eyes, like emeralds almost, you should see them," Rainbow advised sarcastically.

I slammed my pencil and sketchbook on the desk. "Oh, you know what, fuck you!" I shouted, I was too annoyed to deal with this.

"I didn't know any other way to bring it up!" I stood looking out the window trying to ignore her.

"So you come here to rub it into my face?!" I yelled, I tried to sound composed but I could hear that terrible voice crack in my throat.

"Look, I need you to hear me out. I know what she told you but it's not true, Rara put something in her drink, AJ would've told you herself but she-"

"Don't- Don't do this to me after all my hard work. You know how much I want to believe you, I really do, but if that was true I'm going to need a real police statement saying so." I whipped my tear as I snarled.

"We don't have anyone else but Applejack to accuse her, let alone any other evidence to prove it," Rainbow revealed.

I looked around the room until my eyes landed on my phone. "Here." I picked up the phone and scanned through it.

"What are you doing?" She questioned.

"One of her body guard's, Sebastian, I told him I design clothes and he was interested and gave me his phone number." I handed my phone to her revealing the number. She took out her phone and began typing in the number.

I huffed as I stared at Rainbow Dash until I saw the white earpiece in her ear which made me loudly scoff.

"Really Rainbow Dash." I snatched the piece from her ear.

I knew all too well that the others were listening to the other side. "Did you really think this would work?" I annoyingly asked.

"Kinda?" Twilight's voice squeaked from the other side.

Rainbow turned to me, red in the face. I slapped the earpiece back into her had and she gave me my earpiece back.

Great now I look like a bad guy out of all of this.

"I don't need everyone badgering me for something she did, she told me what happened and she has to live with it. Clear AJ's name, and I'll consider being her friend again, until then I don't want another word from this okay?"

Rainbow Dash didn't respond, she turned to the door and walked out. I sat back down on my seat.

I feel like shit, if she really is telling the truth then what the fuck have I done? I don't need this right now, I don't need this shit. She told me like it was nothing, just slapped me in the face now everyone wants to tell me I'm the one wrong.

I just when I thought I had everything together it all goes down the drain.

This chapter is terrible and it's kinda boring but I needed to get something out to you guys so you don't think I'm dead. If you're unaware my mother gave birth to my baby brother last week. Anyways for any of my viewers who don't (and totally should) go check out...

@Alicornofweirdness! She has two books 'The Kids Aren't Alright' and 'Demons| SciSet' so If you guys need anything to read, go check these out! I'll be trying to add as many good MLP books so if you guys have any suggestions, feel free to drop them below!

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