Chapter 13 : The Winter Festival

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"Why is it, even when you take over a project that involves preparations for some kind of party, I still end up getting caught in the crossfire?" I demanded, storming into my office where I knew I'd find Arianna and Nuru-Baako.

My sister sat on the desk with her legs swaying and her eyes scrutinising the piece of parchment I'd received from my advisors a few weeks ago about the Winter Festival, and Nuru-Baako sat in the chair, leaning over the Alliance paperwork and nibbling the tip of a pencil.

Arianna apparently didn't hear me, and it wasn't until I slammed my hand down on the desk - jogging the Durtoriabian - that she finally looked up.

She shrugged then and regarded me with a look that told me she didn't care about any of my problems, "I don't know 'Narr. Ask your advisors. That's their job after all."

"Yes," Nuru-Baako added, staring at the pencil in annoyance, "and care telling us why you always get so snappy about such things?"

I growled, feeling like Colden, and physically restrained myself from shoving Arianna off the desk as I crossed to the window and pressed my forehead against the cool glass.

I knew my sister and Nuru-Baako were exchanging looks behind my back, but I didn't bother turning around to tell them off. Instead, I breathed out heavily in a pathetic attempt to reclaim my calm.

"You OK 'Narr?" Arianna asked, but her tone suggested she was asking for the sake of asking, not because she genuinely worried about me.

I shrugged.

"Oh, real helpful." she said and hopped off the desk, "Well, I'm off to find Frederic and Iduna. They're probably around here somewhere. Anyone care to join me?"

"I'll come."

And with that, the two slammed the door shut and left me wincing as the sound echoed through my study.

I leant against that window for quite some time before finally tearing myself away and slumping miserably in my chair, swinging my legs as a way to occupy myself while I stared blankly at the sheets layed carefully and precisely on the desk.

Nuru-Baako had proven to be a rather passionate perfectionist in recent weeks. It had been annoying at first but now we just kind of went with it, occasionally teasing him about it, but nothing more.

He'd been a great help around here actually, assigning himself the duty of arranging all my files so I knew exactly where everything was. It made finding things way easier.

Arianna was helpful too, when you got passed the fact she was often grumpy. I'd come to realise that was because of me, but her being angry only made me more frustrated - so it was just a vicious cycle.

In all honesty though, I didn't really know why I was so vexed all the time. The ball felt like the last time I'd been fully relaxed, while every moment after felt like there was this weight on my shoulders that was never really gone, just not as heavy when I was distracted. Not that I viewed the rare, and precious, moments with my friends, and especially Iduna, as distractions.

I suddenly slapped a palm against my face and rested like that for a drawn out amount of time until I heard a rapping at the door and the hinges creaking slightly as it opened.

A swift wave of panic washed over me and I bounced both hands off the table as I set a hopelessly optimistic smile on my face.

"Good morning Gustav." I said, a bit too brightly.

"It's afternoon, sir." the Lieutenant said, awkwardly shuffling from one foot to the other.

"Of course it is," I flicked a glance at the grandfather clock standing tall against the wall, "In that case good afternoon. Care to take a seat? What can I do for you?"

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