Chapter Eight; 2

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Rosilla's POV : {Starting from the point where William came }

His wife?!?!? How dare he call me his wife, legally or not I will make sure he won't ever say that again! How dare he? I didn't know why I was pissed off at him. Maybe because my life sucks or because I was married unwillingly.

I was crying in Kyle's arms ,  having him rock me back and forth and saying soothing words into my hair. I am totally grateful for the fact that Kyle didn't freak out from my mini breakdown. Scratch that . My not-soo-mini breakdown. He didn't ask anymore questions , he just left me cry in his arms. He is such a gentleman,  if I had doubts about having a friendship with him, then I certainly am sure I am not having any left now.

Just as my tears were drying up. The hero of the movie steps in and yells. I just looked at him, his hair was tousled and messy ,I can tell that he did run his hands through it for a couple of times . His shirt was crumpled and the first three buttons were open. He had a frown on his face.  His face reminded me of Clifford, his nose was slightly flared and his hands were clenched into fists on both of his sides. With the thought on my mind my face lost its colour and palled a bit.

While I was unresponsive , Kyle looked at me and asked if I was that man's wife. His tone was changed. His jaw was clenched and his hold on me tightened. I coukd have sworn that his eyes darkened and I could see a bit of loathing and sadness?

On the other hand , out of the corner of my eyes , I saw William furrowing his eyebrows. He looked as if he was in deep thought. As if he was denying something. More like he was doing some calculations.

"Technically, I am but when they find the bride I'll be back to my happy life. " I answered truthfully.

With that , the smirk on his face vanished as fast as it appeared.  It made me feel rather smug. Stop being a meanie!  He searched for you! My conscience snapped at me. I softened my gaze and then I remembered that if he cancelled the wedding, and stopped being selfish,  we would have continued with our lives normally.  Not really,  but we could've search for Helen and they could call another wedding. Right? He was just being selfish not wanting to lose the position of being a CEO! 

Ofcourse! Men are all the same except Kyle. He was a rarity. He was handsome, sweet, caring and most definitely a gentleman. He had a friendly personality he even offered his house and home to me!

I fixed my hardened gaze on William when he approached. He took my hand and pulled me towards him , I think he misunderstood his power and pulled me a bit tok much into him. I was pulled from my crouching position into my feet , and pumped into his rock hard chest.  I looked up at him , yes he was that tall! I had a smartass comment on the tip of my tongue, but what he said stopped it from spilling out.

"Let's go back home. " William said ever-so-gently. My gaze softened a bit and I felt a warm feeling in my chest. I felt like maybe , just maybe, we could be friends. 

Do friends command each other? Get a grip on yourself young lady!

I hardened my wavering gaze again. Struggling to get out of his grip , it was no use , his grip even tightened . It was firm but gentle. I had to give him some respect for that. I thought that he would have lost all respect for women after the trick Helen pulled off. Did she seriously think it was a game? Clifford would definitely kill her, I think it's better to stay rather missing than meet his warth.

One day when I was sixteen, one of our hotels caught on fire , we lost employees and the hotel. The damage was massive , Clifford drowned himself in Alcohol , and was very angry at everyone and everything.  That day Helen went out with some friends , she usually does but this time got caught , when he finally left her she was devastated . Her ribs were broken , and her body was covered in bruises. She kept it hidden till one day I discovered it. He threated her after hitting her! The sneaky man, made sure to hit her in places she usually covers , unless its an important evening,  and she wasn't allowed to leave the house till a month later.

"Let. Go." I commanded,  I made sure that authority was dripping from it.

He just stared at me , my response was nothing, he simply let me struggle against him. I am soo  training next time. Then he will know who he is dealing with.

"Bro you better let go. It's not nice to manhandle women. " Kyle stepped in. Told you he was a gentleman.

" Or what ? After all she is my wife . " William responded.  His tone was challenging. Oh god, I don't think  Kyle would ignore it. William you stupid man!

As if God heard my thoughts , and he apparently hates me , Kyle threw his first punch. I ducked and escaped from the deathly grip. William apparently expectes it and punched back. I could tell that Willaim's punch was harder after all , Kyle hesitated for my sake , and William used it against him.

Before blood smeared around and I start getting a panic attack, I do not know why but whenever I see a fight I get one , I decided to step in.

"Stop! Both of you! What is wrong with you? " I yelled.

It seems like both boys listened to me , what can I say ? Women power. It's no time to be smug about it look at what you did! I thought yourself is supposed to be with you not against you. Phew, the struggles I suffer everyday!

" Thanks Kyle, but I can handle myself. Oh god, are you alright? " I asked. His jaw looked like it was a purple cushion. He stiffly nodded.

" And you mister ,you don't ever order me around. Are we clear? " I asked William making sure my vioce was dripping with venom. His response was commical , he just raised an eyebrow and drew a blank face , however his eyes danced in amusement. Ofcourse they will, I have never losed my temper with anyone around.

"Are you dear or something ? I said are we clear?"  I asked again, I think that he just struck the last nerve I had.

"Crystal " he answered then sighed. I was about to calm down my temper when he decided to open his smartass mouth again.

" Now, can you please come with me and let me take you home? Grab your bags and follow me to the car. Better? " Is he even for real? All the response he got from me was a hand on my hip  and a raised eyebrow.

I think his patience was quickly fading away as fast as mine was. Kyle just shaked his head and chuckled. He muttered something the lines off this is amusing to watch.....such grown ups....I like this show...

" Or I could simply call Mr. Clifford , if you didn't want to come with me. "

With that I gasped while Kyle sucked a sharp breath , we could both read the triumph expression on his face. He knew he won.

I faced Kyle and gave him a shrug and told him I was alright. We exchanged numbers and I promised to explain later.  I grabbed my bags and headed to the car of doom. Nah, not really. So , I headed to the car heading to the doom......

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