Should I call you Hubby?

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"I am Type."

I almost lost my mind when I saw Thye collapsed. It was like seeing Type all over again. Lying down the floor, struggling. And I just can't take it. I ran towards him right after he hit the floor. Some of the broken glass had pierced through his shoulders.

"Ai'Thye!" I called his name but he didn't responded. I looked at N'Kan who is also quick enough to lend me hands to help Thye. "Please call Thoss, N'Kan. Please." I begged her. Totally losing every rational thoughts within me upon seeing such familiar incident.

"Okay. But P'Tharn needs to calm down, okay?" She said and I looked at her again, I'm in the verge of crying and I don't know why but what she said didn't helped me at all to calm down. She then hurried outside the room to call Thoss while I look at Thye.

"Ai'Thye, you need to wake up. Please. Don't make me worried." I told him, thinking that he's just pulling of some prank but again, still with no answer. I felt the tears falling down my cheeks. "Ai'Thye, you can't be like this. I can't handle this kind of situation. It makes me feel like I'm about to lose someone who is very important to me all over again. Please, Ai'Thye." I begged him.

"What happened, Khun Par?" The door swung open and I saw N'Kan with Thoss. But instead of walking straight towards us, Thoss looked around and his reaction is not far from Thye's. He was shocked upon seeing all our photographs, recognizing the resemblance between my husband and his best friend.

"What the fuck?" He cursed, not believing what he was seeing.

"N'Thoss. Please help us here!" N'Kan called him and it was then he looked at his unconscious best friend and rushed towards us.

"B-blood." He muttered, totally panicking just like me.

"He was wounded because of the shards from the broken glass. But it's not serious." N'Kan tried to console the both of us.

"But why did he passed out?" Thoss asked.

"Because of shock. He saw all the photographs here and his reaction is not far from yours. Come, let's bring him to the bed." N'Kan said and they both helped each other to carry Thye towards our bed.

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