My Soldier

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"Thye is acting kind of weird." I told N'Kan when she visited the house the day after Thye and Thoss went home late. I'm not that dumb not to notice that he's avoiding me. He even slept on his room saying that he has something to do. I told him that I can keep up and wait til he go to sleep but he insisted. I couldn't sleep last night worrying about his pale face and hoarse voice. He's even grumpier so I had no choice but to let him. It was past midnight when I heard Thoss went to his room and it took the former almost an hour before going back to his own room. My suspicion strengthens when N'Kan came today without any reason. Telling me that she came to visit me since Thye and Thoss are at school. She's even avoiding my gazes while talking to me and she never did that. That's why I know that something was up. It was then I remembered the red mark that I saw on Thye's palm yesterday. He immediately took his hand back when I tried holding it. I also felt weird while staring at it. It makes me feel uneasy. Terrified perhaps, upon seeing the mark. "I'm also wondering if Thye had scalded his hand yesterday because of the red mark I've seen in his right hand." I saw how N'Kan became uneasy because of what I said so I went on with my monologue hoping that I can get something from her. "I'm really worried about him, N'Kan. I think there's something wrong." I said as I looked at her straight in the eyes. Her eyes began to move sideways. She even scratched her neck indicating that she's feeling tensed. Sweat all over her face.


"You know that you're not a good liar, N'Kan. And you know that I don't want someone who keeps secrets from me. What are you doing here and what's wrong with my perosn?" I said. She became nervous and so do I. I don't feel so good about this whole thing. Something happened yesterday and that has something to do with the love of my life.

"A-ah, err, N'Thye asked me to keep you company while he's at school." She answered while wincing so I furrowed my brows as I stared at her suspiciously.

"That's not the only question I asked." I said darkly. She started fidgeting her fingers as her cold sweat covers her face. "Tell me, N'Kan. And I promise not to tell Thye about your confession." I tried convincing her so she looked up to me trying to look for assurance so I nodded at her before sighing.

"P'Tharn. Please promise me not to do anything unnecessary after I told you this." Kan said. She's tensing up, meaning that Thye's problem is pretty serious.

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