It's Not a Happy Ending

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I can clearly see that something's wrong with Tharn. During our trip on the way home, he remained sleeping. It's as if he's exhausted. He didn't even move. And it's making me worried.

"We're h--" I tapped Thoss shoulders to stop him from shouting. He looked at me curiously and he seemed shock upon seeing my troubled face. I signaled him to keep quiet and he nodded.

"Call Par Kan. Quick." I whispered as I stare at Tharn's sleeping face. He's still not moving. I held his hand even tighter as Thoss get off from the car and dialed Par Kan's number. A moment later, he's already talking to Par. And I silently prayed that Par Kan would be quick enough to get here. I am also thankful that Tharn hasn't woke up.

'Ai'Tharn. Hold on, please.'

I looked at Thoss outside and he nodded to tell me that Par is on her way. Now, all I have to do is to not let go of Tharn's hand. Ten minutes had passed and I can see a familiar figure walking towards the car. It's Par Kan. And she looked like she really rushed to get here right after Thoss called her. I can see that she's about to cry. It's as if she already knew the reason of the phone call. I opened that car's window on my side. He looked at me worriedly before Tharn. It was then tears started to fall down her cheeks which made me confused. So I looked at Tharn and was shock upon what I saw.

"N-no." My voice broke as I saw Tharn blurring out. My whole body started to shiver as I looked at our intertwined hands.

"N-n'Thye, l-let's go inside the house." I looked at Par. She's trying to look strong. She nodded at me and ao did I as I wiped some of my tears and tried to smile.

'You need to be strong, Ai'Thye. Be strong for Tharn.'

"Ai'Tharn?" I called him with a soft voice. I softly touched his cheeks. He then woke up and opened his eyes. But even that seemed difficult for him that it breaks my heart.

"Are we home already?" He said in such a weak voice. He looked around and was confused when he saw Par Kan. "Aow, N'Kan. You're here." He smiled at her and so she did. Still trying her best to hold back her tears.

"Let's go inside?" I asked him and he looked at me before nodding. I was the first one to get out of the car and I assisted him. And just like what he said, I didn't let go of his hand. We walked towards the house and Par Kan followed us from behind. The moment we entered the living room, we saw Thoss' worried face but he didn't said anything. "Do you want to sit at the sofa?" I asked Tharn and he smiled before nodding and so we sat down. I'm still not letting go of his hand. Because I'm so scared of what might happen if ever I let go of it.

"P'Tharn, do you want to eat something?" Par Kan asked her, flashing her warm smile at my spouse. But he didn't answer. So we both looked at him and was shocked when we saw him crying.


"I'm scared. I feel so tired and I'm so scared with what's happening to me." He looked at all of us. "Tell me, Ai'Thye. What's happening? Why do I feel so tired?" He asked me but I couldn't find any acceptable answer. All I can do is to avoid his gaze as I let my tears fall down. I looked at Thoss and I think he already know what's happening judging from our faces and I can also see that he's crying. "N'Kan, tell me. Please." Tharn begged at Par. It was then the latter started to cry real hard that she got down on her knees because of to much pain.

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