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He cupped my lips with his bare hands. He lifted me, wrapping both of my legs in his waistline. My body started to tremble when my hands clasped in his arms as I tried to get hold of my weight.

I unconsciously held his penetrating stare. He was blushing all over his face while I felt that my breathing quickened like being hypnotized. Even our position was rather funny and awkward, I could feel his lower body was reacting.

I imagined this to be more romantic. Wait, what exactly is happening?

Suddenly, I felt my body getting numb and unable to breathe. I don't know if it was because of him or my situation.

I supposed it was putting my spirit to this extent way over the prescribed limit of surprises and tension. I began to detest my sudden panic attack. I attempted to take hold of my consciousness—I understand that I can't.

I gently touched his hand that covers my mouth. "Kadi," I uttered, wishing that he would save me again.

Please, save me again tonight.

I was spellbound by his gaze. Suddenly, a series of memories kept flashing in. I kept on running, climbing up the stairs. I was going after something that I couldn't even seem to recognize nor remember.

It was so odd that the appearance of the stairs kept on changing. At first, I remembered climbing up the wooden stairs of our old house. The next was the modernized stairs of my school. And after it, it was my father's well-marbled stairs in their new house.

I stopped climbing when everything seemed to darken. I wondered why I kept on laughing, as far as I remembered I'm scared of darkness.

"Nak, uwi ka na."

I looked at my mom standing like an idiot beside me. Her expression frustrated me. She looked calm and composed, despite everything.

Ma, magalit ka na! Please lang, magalit ka. I thought.

I don't know why I wanted to see her get angry. I presumed, I simply wanted her to fight with me, to fight our rights, and not by waiting for me to come home in her arms.

"Mi Señorita, I'm here."

I paused for a moment when I heard a man's voice. "Hey, don't cry."

I frowned when I heard his words. Ako ba yung sinasabihan niya na 'wag umiyak? Gago ka ba? I wasn't crying.

"Ah, pastilan!"

I heard someone said, pastilan, pastillas, or pagkain?

I slowly opened my watery eyes. That was why it felt weird, it was a mere dream.

My eyes automatically widened when it surprised me with a man's pale white neck. His neck was to close that I noticed the blending large scar on his skin.

I blinked several times as his neck triangle moved. His neck scar added the sexiness to visible veins. It was so tasteful that I wanted to press my tongue in his neck skin. My eyes flew up to his face and my eyeballs almost burst because of his beautiful face.

Fuck, it was Kadi's neck!

"Win, what was that?" Kadi asked in a low voice, almost whispered. I realized that he was holding my hand, sitting beside me. He looked like a cover model in a magazine.

I slowly roamed my gaze, searching for the person that he was talking to. My mouth dropped from shock when a saw another four good-looking men.

I was aware that I could be perverted in many ways. However, a frontal attack from good-looking hunks was too much for me to take. It was so sudden right after I opened my eyes. It might cause my early death. It was just so sudden, only my mind betrayed me for already loving this minute.

SEÑORITA AND HER KNIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now