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I had to stop in the men's room before I worked my way back to the private room where my colleagues were celebrating because of their salary increase. I was attempting to concentrate on drying my hands off when I recalled my wife's call just a while ago.

That brat loves to stress me out.

She had been running around with her best friend, Grace and Lyca. It could be they're plotting or scheming things for Lyca's ex-husband, worse, waging warfare against the Knight household.

What a silly brat.

I stuck my hand in my pocket as I exited. When I was about to walk into the room. I heard some of my colleagues talking behind my back. I stopped entering and remained standing in front of the doorway.

"Seriously, his wife loves to brag things that he gifted to her."

"So, spoiled."

"I don't see why he got hitched with her when it's too obvious she's only aiming for his riches."

"I heard rumors about she stopped from her studies and married him?"

"Gold diggers, old technique."

"Poor, sir."

"Come on, girls. Don't be excessively harsh."

"Yeah, you're merely jealous. Look—Thick thighs, nice body, good cook, simple looking but can slay. That's a good combo!"

I shook my head when I heard my close colleagues defended me, but seems like also confessing his crimes for eyeing my wife. I scratched my neck before entering. "You're right. She loves to brag things, a pampered brat. I'm well aware that she hooked up with me because of my wealth, one of my potentials when she agreed to wed me," I said courteously, and smoothly, I steered towards the empty place.

"It is true that she stopped studying and got married because that's best for both of us," I continued, pouring a drink on my glass.

They all became silent, awkwardly looking at me. "I heard from Mike that she was one of his best students," Chris started, he was my closest colleague and in the same department. "Alas, she lost her scholarship and suddenly quit school," he continued, taking a short glimpse of me.

Okay, now look at this idiot!

I never believed he was seriously rooting for my love life. I chuckled a little. "Dude, did you dig some information?" I asked him about it.

He grinned broadly. "Of course! Since I thought you'll die being single. It surprised my ass when you got married first," he admitted it proudly with both hands spread wide.

I flipped my hair back, which was slowly blocking my view. I rested my elbow on the top of the table and pressed my fingers along my eyebrows. "Poor me. I married that brat." I acted quickly. "She enjoys stressing me out," I said and faked a drama.

"Um, wasn't too fast that you married each other?" A lady colleague asked, from an "I don't know Department" or so-what, I don't care.

Mga chismosa.

I faced her shortly and faked a smile that narrowed my eyesight. "She became my official fiancé when I turned thirteen," I said as I shot her, a fact that shocked her.

The other ladies gasped in surprise except for one woman which her expression tells me that her world got crushed by the heavens. The facial expression of Freya made me realize that she was the one who's been hiding in the shadows, pulling strings to ruin my wife's reputation. I had been hearing a lot of ladies at the university bad mouthing my wife when she visits me.

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