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It was not too far from me, in a field of blooming flowers, a beautiful and elegant knight waiting for me in the aisle. The myriad of the flower petals swirled as I slowly walked towards him.

Yes, it's my luxurious wedding. Finally, I'm marrying a rich man.

Unexpectedly, I noticed that instead of a bouquet, I was holding a frying pan. Huh? I reverted my gaze to the elegant knight whose name I can't recall. Was is Cayden or Kadilyan? I was shaking when he kneeled in front of me, taking out a pair of blue-glittering-glass slippers. Wtf? It was only confusion that registered in my mind as I let him put it on me.

When I turned my gaze on another direction, it landed on a human-sized mirror standing in front of the aisle. In the mirror, my reflection was a short Cat-beast wearing a white wedding gown and holding a frying pan. What the hell is going on? The knight stood tall beside me in the reflection, his manly body blushed, in contrast to his beautiful face of a goddess with an endless-long and shiny-black hair.

This does not make sense!

My eyes trailed his long hair, and it wandered to six other knights who were busy fixing his hair. I slapped my forehead in stress seeing the sight of them. The first knight had a stethoscope around his neck, dazzling with his beautiful Indian face features, busy with checking the paper as if he's checking a patient's vital and not a hair.

The next one was a dominant looking man, extremely manly even with his aura. He was busy bossing around with his grumpy face. Right after him, was a happy knight with the same face of him, offering a song to the hair. The next to them was a cute and young-looking knight, busy with putting some flowers in the hair, sneezing continuously. So dang cute! Next to him, a younger knight silently sleeping on the hair, and beside him, a chubby kid wearing a disordered knight armor, wielding and slashing the hair with his toy sword.

Aw, they're so adorable.

'You're the ugliest of them all!'

A thundered evil laugh from a mirror came out, repeating his line as the gentle swirling petals became aggressive. On the spur of the moment, from the mirror, an army of ugly frogs with pulpy red lips came out.

Out of fear, I seized the hand of the bashful knight and ran away with him. We both ended up hiding in a modern house with a beautiful man-made river flowing around. When I looked back at the knight, it scared the shit of my brain, when he was being bathed in his own blood. There was a big slit on his throat and a blood gushing like a fountain from it.

Holy shit!

I hurried in search of an emergency kit, but I found a prince wearing a mermaid tail, smirking in the middle of the bohemian pool. I asked for his help but he gave me a kettle instead. I was confused, rubbing the kettle and hoping for a genie to come out of it.

The prince smacked my head and then made me brew some tea. After drinking with him on his tea time, he brought out an antique necklace clock, and I realized that I became paralyzed and lying on the bed of roses.

Unable to move, I stared at the prince as he cured the knight. Shockingly, he slowly undressed the knight. The crazy prince forced the knight to face him as he drew his face nearer. Diba ako dapat ang halikan dito?

He pursed out his lips as the knight remains undaunted by his action. Anger ate out of my nerves as I, the great Señorita believe that I should only be the one to savor the beautiful knight, only for me! I tried and gathered all my strength to run toward them and slapped him.

SEÑORITA AND HER KNIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now