Part 8 (danielle & chloe)

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Danielle and Chloe are Hayes and Nash's girlfriends. Hayes and Danielle met through some of there friends, apparently Hayes kept it a secret but they went to a beach and ate ice cream. Nash and Chloe met also through friends but there first date was at a shopping mall. I personally like both Danielle and Chloe I'm sure that would change if they broke there hearts although I'm not sure that my brothers deserve girls like Chloe and Danielle they are to nice. Lets just say Nash is a complete Jerk and is way to overprotective and Hayes he's a bit nicer then Nash but is super annoying!

Continue with a normal day:
I wake up and walk downstairs and see evrey one there I mean Taylor, The jacks, carter and Matt, Aron and Shawn, Jc and Cam. I see them and they look at me I duck when cam says "morning selfie!" The boys all laugh. Once I get there Taylor tries and pulls me onto his lap but I pull away and go sit on Cam "Oh Rejected!" Says all the boys laughing. I lean into Cams chest and wonder why they are all here, I have gotten super close to all of them, I yawn and they all look at me and say "Awe", I look at them weirdly "Shut up, I'm not 2!" They laugh then Jc says "I'm going to go pick up all our breacfast who wants to come?", Most of them go well apart from me, Hayes, Nash, Will, Cameron and Carter. Once they are gone I go upstairs and do my hair and get changed then walk back downstairs, Smack. I get smacked across the face and they scream Smack Cam'd I just roll my eyes and go watch tv with Will.

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