New Arrival

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Sorry the song was stuck in my head while i wrote this chapter but i guess it fits with the vibe of this chapter

dad | we are 10 minutes away y/n are you exited to see our new house!

y/n | as long as it's not small *eye roll*

dad | you know i bought the best on the market

sm | i'm sure you'll love it sweetheart

y/n | of course, i bet it will be great

dad | only the best for my two girls

you smile at him and your stepmom as you put your AirPods back in and look out the window. you have been in the car for hours and are ready to finally step outside. you are driving down a long empty road as you arrive to a huge gate. your dad types in a password as the gates open and you drive into your large garage where you will soon park the rest of your cars. you step outside to see a stunning mansion.

y/n | wow dad it's beautiful

dad | go take a look inside

he tosses you a card and tells you that is your key inside the house and the gates. you run up to the door as it unlocks and you open it you start slowly walking around as a man approaches you.

man | hello you must be y/n! i am Jacob, i will be your butler. Would you like me to show you to your room?

y/n | if you would?

Butler | of course! now follow me

He shows you up the staircase to a room at the end of a long hallway and opens the door to a huge room with nice white bed and beautiful carpets and furniture.

y/n | wow thank you sir!

Butler | you can call me Jacob *he smiles*

This is just the start sorry this chapter was so focused on you more people will be coming into the story soon!!

Word Count: 330

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