stormy day

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Wow this is one of my favorite chapters yet! but there is more good ones to come. Check out the song ^^

- you are starting to run in the popular crowd
- payton's taking you on a date to apologize for "making you mad" at school and getting to know you
- you and payton just went on a wonderful date and learned a lot about each other
- now you are on your way home and it's raining (you are deathly afraid of storms)
- you made payton pull over the car because he couldn't see but your dad wants you to just drive the rest of the way

now, story time:)

you grip payton's hand tightly as you drive through the pouring rain.

P | your shaking a lot. are you alright?

y/n | i'm fine, just keep driving my house is right up
the street.

P | we're almost there

he says in the most comforting voice. you get butterflies in your stomach. but you continue to grip his hand and hold your eyes tightly shut. when you work up the courage to open them. you are at your front gate and your father is waiting there. you are under the canopy so you open your door and run to your father to give him a hug.

dad | hello, sweetheart

you are almost sobbing. shaking with fear he has your butler walk you inside to change.

*focus is now on father and payton*

payton steps out of his car and walks up to y/n's father.

P | hello sir. i've heard great things about you.

dad | hello son. you must be payton.

P | that i am, sir.

dad | i've heard great things about you.

P | thank you sir.

*Payton's POV*

I'm shaking. i don't know what to say or do! i need to impress her father. get him to like me. i wish y/n was still out here it would be a lot more comfortable.

*end POV*

as your father is talking to payton you got on dry clothes and walked outside. as soon as you saw payton you ran toward him and gave him a huge hug.

y/n | thank you! thank you! thank you!

payton picks you up off your feet.

P | anytime

you kiss him on the cheek and he puts you down. but it is still raining outside so you grab his hand and listen to the rain hit the canopy.

y/n | dad, this is payton. payton this is my father.

they shake hands and carry on a conversation. you look up at payton and he is smiling like crazy so you used your other arm hold on to his arm and lean your head on his side. soon enough your stepmom walks out and you introduce payton to everyone.

P | well i better get going. it's late and my dad's expecting me.

sm | you are going to drive on those roads all the way home? how far do you live?

P | 15 minutes or so up the street.

sm | you could stay here and we can have you taken home in the morning. we wouldn't want you getting hurt.

P | you guys don't have to. i can make it home, it's not too far.

dad | we insist. you are very important to y/n, therefore you are important to us too.

P | okay, i'll tell my dad i'll be back in the morning.

sm | it's very cold. let's head inside. We will have Jacob (your butler) here get your car into the garage.

P | thanks so much!

dad | come come. its very cold out here.

your father walks you and payton in the house and payton in instantly stunned at the large grand staircases and the butlers an maids carrying around furniture and other household essentials.

P | wow! this place is crazy. it looks like i'm walking into one of those fancy party's in a movie.

you all chuckle from this comment as you lead payton up to your room. you open up the door to your room and watch payton's jaw drop.

y/n | what do you think? it's still a work in progress but, it's okay.

P | it's beautiful.

you and payton walk over to sit on the bed. you lay your head on his shoulder and grab his hand.

y/n | i couldn't have asked for a better night.

P | me neither

you both smile.

how do you think the night will go? get ready for a night in the mansion with your new favorite duo? friends? couple??!

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