Where do i stand?

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After talking to addison all class period the bell rings so addison gives you her number. As she's putting it in your phone you see charli walking out of the classroom. you were supposed to leave together. Addison sees you looking at her.

Ad | hey? are you friends with her?

y/n | uh, yeah.

Ad | okay.

y/n | yeah she's pretty cool.

Ad | well i have some news for you. you have to stop talking to her now.

y/n | why?

Ad | if you want to run with us you have to be all for us. we don't acknowledge people like that.

y/n | i was just joking with you. why would i talk to her?

Ad | oh good! you have a good sense of humor, i was just making sure!

addison giggles. you walk out of the class with her and as you guys walks you notice how everyone looks up at you and addison. they admire you. another girl catches up to you guys and starts talking.

girl | hey Addi!

Ad | hey girly! this is y/n she is new but look how beautiful she is.

girl | hey, i'm Zoe.

Ad | she already knows the boys

Zoe (Z) | well take any of them i don't really care

y/n | oh, for sure

you say jokingly and they both laugh

Ad | she's dating someone fr-

Z | i do distance with my boyfriend

y/n | oh, that's nice. it must be hard

Z | it is.

Ad | Zoe he goes to a different school that doesn't count as distance.

Z | yes it does.

as they are talking someone grabs you hand and pulls you back from addison and zoe's conversation. It's payton.

P | hey y/n

he smiles

y/n | hey payton

P | i see your met Addi and Zoe

y/n | yes they are so sweet!

P | i was going to catch them and tell them about you but i see you've already done that

you both laugh as he walks you to your next class. when you get there he waves goodbye as you walk into class. You don't know anyone so you sit at a table in the back of the class. you think about everything you have done today. about charli and payton. you don't know where you stand, should you stick to girl code and go with charli or with the popular kids like payton and addison. they're all so nice. Soon enough you are on your way home. As the final bell rings you take your bag and walk out of the class and see charli walking out of english. but just as you go up to her someone picks you up from behind.

P | hey stupid

sorry i didn't post any yesterday. Not many people are reading but those of you her are. love you lots!!

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