you left something.

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i haven't listened to that song in a minute. the vibe fits with the chapter though.

- you and payton just got home from a date and met your dad while dropping you off.
- your parents insisted he stayed so he didn't have to drive in the horrible rain.
- now you are inside laying on your bed holding his hand with your head on his shoulder.

Okay. story time!

you felt so relaxed. you started to rub his hand with your thumb.

P | your house is so nice. i could never imagine living somewhere like this.

y/n | it's nice. you don't have to do much. mostly entertain yourself.

P | you don't have siblings huh?

y/n | yeah. i'm an only child. the closest i had to a sibling was my best friend back home her name was Jalyenn. she was over all the time.

P | i have a sister in collage. and Charli will be my step sister soon.

y/n | omg right!

you sit up in your bed and look at him.

y/n | why don't you talk to charli at school?

P | we didn't talk to each other at school before. but soon my dad told me he found a girl and she came over with her kid. who i recognized from school, it was Charli. we became close really fast. like we clicked. when we got into highschool charli and i were inseparable. soon i got a girlfriend. charli hated how much time i spent with her and turned her against me. i haven't forgiven her. so i told my friends and she was quickly kicked out of the group and left with the weird kids.

y/n | wow. i would have never guessed.

P | yeah. she doesn't mention it at all. it's like it never happened for her.

y/n | wait does this said 'ex girlfriend' still go to winston?

P | yeah it was Avani.

y/n | your joking. Avani!??

you both laugh and payton pulls you down onto his chest and hugs you.

P | but don't worry babes. i don't like her anymore.

you sit up on his chest.

y/n | babes??

P | omg i'm sorry

he grabs your hips.

y/n | no i like it, babys *you smile*

P | babes it is!

he pulls you in for another hug. his hugs are so tight and warm. you sit up a little and lay your forehead's together. just then you dad walks in.

dad | y/n!!

y/n | yes dad.

you get off payton and lay back on the other side of your bed. you look back over and payton looks terrified.

y/n | sorry. don't make him go home, please.

P | yeah. i'm sorry sir.

dad | oh my guys. chill out. you think i'm evil don't you. you're fine. i was just coming in to tell you that your dad called and said you left something.

P | what?

dad | it's downstairs. come on you two.

you look over at payton and he is just as confused as you are. you get up and grab a hoodie from the end of your bed. throw it on and catch up to payton. you take his hand as you walk down the staircase.

What did payton leave at home!? hope you enjoyed this chapter it was a little short.

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